Incidentally the increase in tensions and people getting snippy increased once the babe ban was put into effect. Just my observation.
I flatly refuse to respect anything coming out of CBS. For many years now. They stand for nothing good.
Meh. I hear UCLA and I just don't see a comparison to UF. If he is infact such a huge football guy, LA is not the place for him. In the times I have been out there for work, there is a large % of people who just don't care one way or another about football, let alone sports in general. Of the ones that do care about sports it's a marginal support at best for most of those. At a restaurant in the area on a Saturday, I asked someone in USC clothing what time they played and who they were playing. The guy had no idea. IMO, on that coast UCLA football is second fiddle to multiple things. UCLA basketball and USC football to start with.
Well, once that is confirmed I will expect not to get CK. At this point I am neutral. As a living environment the UCLA area is very nice, comfortable and upscale. I find it very attractive and appealing. Gainesville is a small college town. We love it but Chip Kelly may not. UCLA would not be a bad gig and money aside the program has nowhere to go but up. Kelly would do fine recruiting and his coaching completeness would build a program that would be competitive in his conference. Maybe it turns out he wants to compete in the SEC, maybe.
He could salvage himself if he were to reel in Scott Frost, IMO. Anything other than one of the two and it's macChamp all over again.
I don't think Scott ever wanted to announce anything before the semi game was over. It's just not typically done that way, before the reg season is over. Little doubt they went to NH yesterday to bag their guy. Chip knew they were coming and exactly what they ultimately wanted. It was no surprise. Did Chip surprise them? If Scott landed him he can relax a bit and enjoy the week. Why not just say, hey we'll have some great news to share with everyone on Sun-Mon. If not, he's going to twist in the wind all week.
after watching a 20 second clip of some the university staff walking off the tarmac from their plane last night, it was somewhat of an eerie and defeated look. In my opinion, they did not look as if they accomplished what they set out to. Stricklin simply said it’s a great day for the gators. If we start hearing rumors of the University contacting other coaches, this deal with CK is dead and will put us in a very peculiar predicament with all the other coaches who are considered plan A coaches. Second-tier coaches are Plan B coaches. How do you convince a plan A type coach to come after the pageantry with CK attempt? Is the prez of the Univ. flying to see all the other guys? Likely not. Get this deal done ASAP!