I don't think saving a mill or two on income taxes is going to be the prime motivating factor for Kelly. He is a football junkie, first and foremost, and he'll want to end up in a situation where he can focus on football only. A few things concern me about UCLA... Kelly will be able to fly under the radar in a star-studded city. With lower expectations than Florida, a loss here or there is not going to put him under the intense scrutiny as in Gainesville. Second, UCLA just built the state-of-the-art Wasserman football complex that will provide an immediate facilities advantage over Florida. I believe someone said Kelly is high on "informatics" - a fancy term of using statistical analysis a la Moneyball to gain competitive advantages on the field. I don't think UF is prepared to supply the infrastructure to do that at this time. I hope CK comes to Florida, but there are some serious concerns on my end.
Here is a quote from a UCLA Bruin message board (Bruinreportonline): This is what he thinks of CK going to UCLA: "prototypical retread who has failed miserably at his last 2 stops--very predictable bad hire if it happens--he's a name , a name that teams couldnt unload fast enough & this is the guy to lead ucla out its mire?????"
If by Wednesday, we don’t have a PC announcing Kelly, we lost the deal. Stricklin will be scorned by the entire fan base if he screws this up.
Here is one more quote from the same person on the UCLA Bruin message board: "id be surprised if he takes the job--because its a bad job--ucla football gets garbage support from the school compared to other programs & thats why the program has historically been 2nd fiddle in this town & most of time mediocre at best.....hiring kelly feels like a desperate move --- if he takes the job i bet hes gone within 3years....."
Cooking Pot roast in the slow cooker. With Cardamom pods and other spices. Can you smell what the candyman is cooking. Kelly will be the coach.
I'm sure they have a message board where you could get exciting info such as: Done deal Book it 6 years, 4.5M/yr 5 years, 10M/yr Check it out there is a plane flying in the air and other such tidbits.
Any good agent would NEVER inject there preference do to alumnus status into a clients job decision. That'd be worse than those in media showing obvious bias toward their schools, which most go out of their way to do opposite of.