Neither have posted on the site for years. We last saw ocaligator about 12 years ago when she came by the house and bought some spare football tickets from Trucker. Her mother, imagatorholic used to post on Too Hot religious threads. Her contributions were always sensible and helped to calm down the inflamed masses. It's been at least 5 to 7 years since I read any posts by her.
Joined I think in the late 90's, maybe 98. Now my daughter is a huge Gator fan and will be getting her a sub. shortly. Living here in the KC area, GC has kept me connected to the Gators in a special way and I am very thankful for Ray, David S and all the great GC posters. It is great being a Gator and great being part of the best sports site ever. Let's see if we can keep this going another 20 years.
I was pre Gator Country communicating with Gus via Prodigy. We were among the first to dream about a all Gator site. Mudlizard was also among the participants along with David Wicks ? that would have been 1991-2.
Me too. Hometown for @RayGator as well. I joined in '96 or '97. Was cubangator until the merge and they had their own cuban so i had to switch. @cubangator is my arch-nemesis!
Dick is sill going strong, although having had health problems like all of us. He is on my mail list and he is kept informed and up to date . His publication "Gator Ink" got me inebriated. It was superior to anything I have seen since. I will give you his email if you want it. Send me a PM. He needs to hear from people.
Rosa, I last spoke with Imagatorholic about 4 years ago, I think, and she was still trying to go to as many games as she physically could. I'm guessing someone else had to drive the RV as she was in a wheelchair by then. What a great lady she was. Last time I saw her post was over on TOS. BTW Rosa, do you remember the Night Owls?
Gawd that telephone $1,00 per minute was a criminal endeavor !! What. a rip off !! That guy should be guilty of felonious theft for what he did. I remember Titusville Gator; yes! Thanks for posting. I talk with Dick Retey every day and he is doing alright, although he has had some health problems, like all of us. His first effort, a paper called Gator Ink was superior to anything before or since. He is a very smart guy !!
The only 900 number I've ever called didn't have a sexy girl sweet talking me, no it was a dude telling me about young men committing to come to Gainesville. When I think of it in that context.....I think, you sick bastard.
Being an old guy I really don’t recall the date but it was close to the original launch date. I was one of the old Gatorbait print guys starting in 1981 then graduated to their dialup and finally the TOS. Joined here as soon as I heard about it. Information on the team was hard to come by in the early days. Have enjoyed participating as well as lurking
Hey Ray, What year did you all get the cool old Gator bus and park it across from the stadium somewhere for a gathering place for GC peeps? I remember going to that and it was cool meeting everyone... though I believe that was the last time you all did that. (Now that I think about it, maybe it was the fact I showed up! )
Rolling through that old Word file of mine on the July 25, 2000 "how did you become a Gator" Roll Call . . . and I ran across this comment: jaxlitiGatr posted on 7/26 1:57 pm re: Time for our traditional Roll Call... Grew up in West Palm as a casual fan and got hooked when I started law school in '93. Now practicing here in Jax, home of the world's largest outdoor cocktail party! Dreaming of a year when UF wins a national title in both football and basketball. Ya gotta believe! Man, how sweet is that? Less than a decade later, the dream deferred had truly been attained -- and then some.
Began following recruiting, as best possible, when we were recruiting Emmitt Smith. Listened to WLAC out of Nashville for the latest recruiting gossip. Was with Gus all the way from the mail list, Prodigy, GEnie, and all else we could come up with. Became good friends with Gus, mostly via email. Suffered with his accidental and tragic death. It's really good to see some of the old names and see the old signatures. Hell, at my age, it's just good to see. As Gus would say, It's GREAT to be a FLORIDA GATOR! g8rbob aka, Bob Williams
I discovered Gatorcountry online sometime around 95 to 96 back when it was a freebie site and used to use the public library long before I had home internet or even a computer. Before that, I was a long time subscriber to Gatorbait and treasured every issue like gold. I remember Swampie's Rumor Mill (loved it), McLeod and Gator Gus. Originally I went by Gatorman but lost it to someone else and adopted G8rmann. For some short period, I called myself G8rferbrainz. Been a lot of fun...
hello... i signed up in 1998 (i think)... haven't renewed a membership since 2015 (lots of craziness in my life)... but it's nice to be back in time for the cocktail party... Go Gators!
I date back to GatorNet. I remember Gus as well. When this COVID mess is less of a threat and life returns to somewhat normal, we need to have a big BBQ like we did a few times many years ago.
Was on Gatornet, Prodigy and joined this site as soon as it was open. Have been active at some level ever since. Remember Gus well. Also remember when on Gator net you needed a computer and some of us, including me, donated. In my 80's now and do longer attend games, but visit this site every day. Gator Bill
2003 for me while a student at UF. Couldn’t believe the info and access and have been addicted ever since. It to mention the community of posters and mods here have always been light years better than other sites.