Hi!!! So great to see you!! The years are flying by, right?! So glad that you're still around! I'm usually in the Insider Den and Insider Recruiting. I haven't been to the Pub in forever and I stay away from Too Hot. LOL! Keep in touch!!
All I remember was being able to get rid of having to wait for Gator Bait in the mail. My son is almost 19 and I remember Swampie's Rumor Mill from the dial up days before he was born.
Been here since ‘95. Finding GC was the best thing ever since in-depth gator news was difficult to find while living in CLT.
I was one of the earliest members; not sure of the date. Probably about 1995-96. Halley and I remember posting during the 1996 National Championship year, but I was on board as Art Skeels well before that. When did these boards begin ?
I was here in the beginning, I think I went by the name g8rjosh. I went to UF '93 - '99 (undergrad & grad) and I started one of the earlier recruiting websites called Johnson's Prospects. It was a collection of cgi scripts ($perl!) that generated HTML web pages listing players having updates in chronological order. For each player it gave the latest update for each prospect (my synopsis) and provided links to the latest information (pretty much other recruiting website updates). I didn't get anything out of it other than I enjoyed programming and recruiting so it gave me a reason to be such a dork. Good times.
Ray, I don't have time right now to read this thread but I think I've been around practically from the beginning too. Your post made me go back and search my Word files. I found a Swampie's Rumor Mill comment I made about Mike Miller's recruitment on October 19, 1997. I also saved a July 25, 2000 thread you titled "Time for our traditional Roll Call" and I'm doing some clean-up with the formatting, etc., but the comments are incredible. Many still recognizable commenters are in the thread. What an incredible community of Gators.
been here since around '97, took over my Dad's account when he was in his last couple of months and got him a Gold Star, back when we had those. Kept his name in memoriam.
I have never been a frequent poster, but my earliest GC memory is a discussion of our premier recruit of the current signing class, Lito Shepard. I also drafted one article for GC back in the day when I was an aspiring sports journalist as a sophomore in high school. Matt Bonner had a good game as a freshman in the Maui Invitational. It's been a long time!
Good stuff; I joined in either '98 or '99, can't remember, but I was reading before that. Loved CD's get togethers; met Raygator, Ox, LT, CB, Franz the close-talker, and a bunch of others. Met Solari at Hooters one time with Growl, but I doubt they'd remember. I know some of the bizarro folks from elsewhere and still have no clue what the hell they are talking about. Go GATORS! ,WESGATORS
Joined in the late 90's... Not sure when exactly... I think 1997 0r 1998. I remember some of the WB310 3-4 defence comments, the MuNkeE's avalanches, SOS leaving UF in 2001 right after the Orange Bowl, DarthG8R's Babe Pics in da Pub. Good times and the only Gator site I am a member of!
One of my fave memories was tailgating with imagatorholic and her daughter Ocalagator. “Holic” was an elderly lady who was very active on GC and I️ was so inspired by her. We lost touch over time but I️ surely do think of them often. I’m not sure if anyone can tell me when you last heard from either of them?
I subscribed to Gatorbait magazine as well, I had to pay extra to get it delivered before the game on Saturday.
I joined Gatorcountry around 1994 when Solari (Ray Hines), Gatorooski, CoachLT, Franz, and others used to hang out before games under a tent set up in the parking lot across from Tigert. Those were the days just before our 1st MNC.
Gosh this is a wonderful trip down memory lane. I don't know when I started but mid 90's with early dial up and I would lose connection every few minutes. I did Swampie's rumor mill, got Gator Bait every week and most things mentioned here. My wife and I had seasons tickets when we were dating and a week from today is our 50th anniv. I have had a couple other screen names and I think Titusville Gator or maybe Tville Gator was one. WAR is my initials. I was a member for about 2 or 3 years before ever posting because I didn't know how!! I think I started posting about 01 or 02 after I had retired. I do also recall spending about 100 bucks on NSD every year for signing updates at the 900 number. You call to hear the updates and you had to wait through the entire list with name, position etc each time you called to see if anyone had been added. I believe it was $1.00 per minute and sure added up fast with a class of 30 or so. I do not know any of you but I cannot tell you how much you have been a part of my life. Thank you and WB310 do you still HaT HoKe??