It was around '95-'96 for sure. I mostly lurked then and continue that habit to this day. I remember that my wife thought it was too weird to meet up with 'someone you met online' in real life so when we went to the NC in Tempe she wouldn't let me suggest it on the boards. I sure could have used some emotional support after that game I can tell you! I also remember there being rivals that contributed positively back 'in the day'.
Joined sometime in 1997. Lived in Pensacola at the time and went by Pcolagator. Think we used prodigy and still remember those gawd awful dial up sounds.
Been on here since about 2001. Found it by accident. Now it has turned into a daily addiction. I live in Ware County, which is in South Georgia, and our HS team is the Gators, hence the name warecogator. I had been on here a short time when I discovered Gatorgrowl lived in my town. I met him and we struck up a great friendship. This is the place for all the inside info!!
I joined back in ‘96, Swampie’s Rumor Mill (I think that’s what it was called) and Wheeler’s were the names of the two main forums. I’ve enjoyed all of the crazy recruiting cycles since then. But one of my fondest memories was how as a community we contributed torwards a one page thank you ad for coach Zook.
Been around since the Prodigy days. Think I found GC between 88-90. You guys put so much work into the site I remember buying some recruiting booklet that Gus needed and sending it to him. Seemed like a very nice guy. Sad to hear he passed.
Been around since 97. Met Ray and his family 10 or so years ago. Genuinely a kind and funny man. PS- You know she's still on my favorite list Ray!
Wish I knew the exact date, but it has to have been in the 90s. It was in the Swampie days and I remember when it went from free to paying. It’s been set on auto-renewal for so long I really don’t know when I started. Never have felt the need to go to any other site though.
Been around since '96 ... when my youngest daughter was born ... now she is having her 1st ... I had moved from Jax to CLT at the time and needed to stay connected to Gator Nation. GC has been doing it ever since. Thanks Ray and staff for having such a great product and service for Gator fanatics. I remember dialing through AOL on my old Packard Bell PC. That sucker lasted 7 years lol although slow as can be. I was also a member on Swampies site during that time.
I think I came in around 2000 or so. I know it was before Spurrier quit. I wasn't a paying member the first few years. but have been for some time now.
I joined in 97 which is when I learned what a “message board” was and lost my original screen name (which I honestly don’t remember but i’m pretty sure it had the word Gator in it) during the great merge of 04. My wife has come to tolerate my obsession with his site and will occasionally let me read her some of the more interesting and insightful posts.
Somewhere around 1997 perhaps earlier. Constant changing of who GC was under wound up costing me my original user name BornAGator when I think it was Rivals took over and somebody already had that name forcing me to change to IAmBornAGator.
Y'all some old farts. I joined right after I graduated high school and got into recruiting. That was '05. Tebow, Harvin, Spikes... Started me off right.