If true, Foleys prodding for Strong sounds just like Mac's hiring his pals and buddies to his staff here. Strong would be on my list but a ways down though, not in my top 5, but no stinking way does anyone with any sanity take Strong over Kelly.
I dont do the Twitters and hatchtags but I dig that our AD does. One thing that would have made his response better is a good, old fashioned #FAKENEWS!!!!!!
Yeah, I could see Foley pushing for Charlie Strong. Tweet has a ring of truth to it, despite what Shtreiglitz says.
If Foley sabotages this hire he may go down as the most hated man in UF athletic history. Slight hyperbole but he needs to get the hell away
Ha...yeah BenTrill we’ll go all Niam Leeson Taken 3 on you (That wasn’t a death threat per say just sarcasm)
I think the fact that Stricklin responded speaks volumes. People are free to disagree, but I think it legitimizes the Kelly rumors. Stricklin doesn't want to tacitly confirm the Foley rumor when we hire Kelly, so he goes out there and disputes the Foley rumor. Think about it, if we aren't hiring Kelly, the guy is outed as a fraud. In that scenario, Stricklin has no motive to respond to some random. If we do hire Kelly, it makes it seem like he knows what he's talking about in that post. Stricklin is trying to protect Foley.
Hmm. You're right, a Kelly hire would seemingly validate that whole tweet, unless Streeglenz says something to challenge it. Good analysis by you, that makes sense.