Have to disagree concerning the state of Russia’s economy. [MEDIA]
UF has become the new Vanderbilt. I think we need a new athletic director before turning the program around. Gonna be a long season——
Well, I think every gator should read this article, it is sobering- We have sure landed some awful coaches since coach Meyer. Culture Shock, Part...
Only you can come up with a deficit cut as being an anti- "woke" thing. I lived my whole life practicing what I preach and believe about not...
DeSantis celebrates lowest per capita state debt in nation, continued pay debt paydowns “We’ve retired 36% of the state’s taxpayer finance debt...
I'm worried about this trend. I guess I shouldn't be, some of you say that deficits don't matter....
To balance this somewhat— Harlem Success Academy – Diane Ravitch's blog Yes, I do agree that both public and private schools should be held to...
I’m for sending our children to whatever entity is successfully educating them. This charter school is doing it at a high level and it’s not even...
I don’t understand why Unions would try to have schools like this closed down. Seems they have great success actually educating the students. [MEDIA]
view the emails, can one honestly say that Fauci did nothing wrong? New COVID Select Memo Details Allegations of Wrongdoing and Illegal Activity...
If this could only be done in Washington—- never mind, deficits don’t really matter—— DeSantis reduces Florida spending in new budget, retains...
Alex Jones lied, plain and simple. He caused immense pain to the families who lost loved ones due to being murdered— They were not “actors”, but...