I wonder if he and his family are getting death threats yet.
Maga history will state that Trump won in 2020 and that it was stolen from him.
Maybe he can report us all to the DHS and get us charged with treason for failing to adequately kiss the orange skidmarks's ass. Oh the humanity....
The TDS card comes out in 3, 2,1
Rock isn't the only substance that can be sculpted. Just sayin...
What a concept: it actually went to trial, a jury convicted him after seeing evidence and hearing testimony, and a judge rendered a sentence....
iow "' look what you made me do"
Yep, let the NTSB do their investigation.
His worshippers will build him his own monument. it will be yuge, like no one has ever seen before, it will be incredible, and Mexico will pay for it.
I'm sure some would like to have a one line item federal budget: defense. Everything else eliminated.
Yep, the p 25 folks have a much longer term plan in mind, and our best interests are not at the center of that; theirs are.
Citizens are next? ( I don't really care for trains)
Milley took an oath to the constitution, not your orange god. Pathetic that you don't know the difference.
All that's missing are the armbands
Traitor Mark Milley? Seriously? smdh....