Coffee disaster due to this post. Good on you.
This place has always had internet tough guys, this dude is just par for the course.
It's like comparing everyone of the bad guys/gals on Game of Thrones bodycount vs the Dragon Queen, it's not even close. That blonde killed more...
I'll use green next time.
Um, why isn't Hunter being investigated more? I mean, Cocaine, Hookers, Parties, oh my!
Didn't he also flake out and cancel a few games during our Trask season? I know I was pissed that we didn't get to hang 50 or more on them suckers...
Why did Oklahoma close that thread where WDG completely shredded deniers. It was hilarious and a complete own. Best addition to the covid...
Putin's puppet and Q do this everywhere they can. Same things over and over.
This is a huge problem here in the Denver area. Very few trees left anywhere but on private property. They cut down a few dozen perfectly healthy...
This is Rock-N-Roll sacrilege. Long live David Lee Roth!!!
That ship sailed thirty years ago, sadly.
Rent, rent, rent. Only going to get worse and worse. Too many peoploe for too few homes. I've live in and around Denver for 22 years now and...
They coexist because they don't dare say this chit to people's faces. Do you think people would actually say some of this if it weren't for the...
You are a sad old man.
EXACTLY! Not a single person on this planet could turn me gay. I knew by the time I was four (when I found my dad's box of playboys under his bed...