It definitely can be tied to falling behind but doesn't necessarily have to be. People are social creatures by design and kids need that...
I would also argue that the mental health issues for many kids being isolated and not at school may even be a bigger issue.
Agreed. The good seroprevalence studies have generally showed it in that range. I assumed most people knew it was never a 5% fatality rate that...
Such irony isn’t it.
Yes which is scary. Fortunately, there seems to be a lot of optimism on the vaccine by early 2021.
Thanks for sharing. Previously they had the symptomatic infection fatality rate at 0.4% and asymptomatic at 35% which results in a true infection...
I don't the CDC ever said this although they probably alluded to it based on the following: 1. They came out with the 0.4% symptomatic infection...
The 7 day average in Florida has been pretty flat with maybe a slight increase but far from a spike. Not to say it can't happen but has not yet.
I think you know the answer to it. The combination of better treatment, higher identification, and younger patients. Elderly and assisted living...
I took a test last Friday around 2 pm in Palm Beach County at MD Now. I called on Tuesday to make an appointment and they were booked up until...