Has to be one of the best post game pressers ive seen. Love it!!
That guy is really sad.
Yeh. This “creepy”, “rapist” pablum is just leftie talking point nonsense. It’s likely that sometime this week, the leftie minions will begin to...
Wait, you should not compare Oak to Kavanaugh as that can be deemed a personal insult. Be cool.
These folks are sad. Who's the eye witness?
I'm sure the Times and Yorker would find these people is they existed.
LOL ….. the banner ad across the bottom of THFSG was "Save Roe Now" …. a "send us money" advertisement from Planned Parenthood.
Yeh …. Ramirez is credible. Prototypical leftie anti-trumpster. Neither The New Yorker nor The New York Times, which attempted to verify Ms....
Wow …. this is how bad some of the wild-eyed leftists are taking this matter. It's hard to believe they are so far off kilter. Bette Midler...
Given the insane mob-like behavior of many leftists …. I doubt it will ever get better. IMO, the radical democrats, progressive, lefties are...
Please keep in mind that Obama was a self-described "thug" (funny that he can use that term to describe himself but I can't use it to describe a...
Well, I think it's not really her …. but her handlers. I'm not convinced Ford has enough connecting above the neck to create this massive...
O Corey … say it ain't so!! Did you really say this? Dude …. if you did …. you are a nut job. Oh wait …. maybe your old drug dealing pal "T-Bone"...
Hmmm ..... I wonder if that’s minimum wage for a political protester in DC? Oh, I guess the protesters are independent contractors.
Are these some of the links? Christine Blasey Ford remembered in Dewey Beach bar scene BOMBSHELL: Blasey-Ford's HS Yearbooks Brag of Drunken...