Jail? At least that's what a trumpster friend of mine says when the subject of the homeless street people comes up. :)
Next up will be Ms Menendez. Will be interesting to see how that trial goes since he blamed her for all his problems. o_O
i know a couple of Bills fans and I almost feel sorry for them. At least they were smart enough to leave Buffalo for South Florida. Bills can...
It's a merit based hire I hear. Only the best and most qualified for DJT.
Pretty simple - DEI bad, nepotism good.
Incredible press conference. Any other President would have addressed the Nation, the victims' families, extend condolences and move on. Trump...
On the other hand I get 2-3% back for using my credit card. That's in addition to the credit card convenience, easy tracking of expenses and no...
We would, but he's not talking.
$100M here, $100M there, pretty soon youve got some real money going up in flames At least the pilot parachuted out.
He should have switched to the maga party. Hed be chillin with a Total pardon. If you're not cheating you're not trying....amirite.
Happy for Horford, but no NBA team I like less than Boston.
Damn, that Georgia court is fugly. :eek:
Just saw a crazy stat. Vols shot 45 3 pointers and only made 11. :eek: Not a great 3 point shooting team to begin with. You'd think they would try...
Nah, that sounds more like an anarchist, ala Steve Bannon.