It was totally inappropriate and classless. I promise you that Saban would have had the team in the locker room in minutes to chew their ass about...
The importance of a good assistant coaching staff is no small thing as it's critical to developing talent. Under Urban Meyer we had a very...
Horseshoes and hand grenades.
Self destructed in the red zone again and again. Procedure penalties, poor play calling, time outs... Over and over. He's not worthy of this job.
Automatic illegal procedure as soon as we get in the red zone. Time after time. It's so avoidable and so painful to watch.
That was a winnable game. Many errors that are indicative of poor coaching. just a fact.
Hard to watch because so many of our problems are avoidable. He's just not capable.
Self destruction... Again and again
Go for 2
I hope we win this game but if we don't, it's not b/c of the players... they've players their tails off and exceeded everybody's expectations. It...
We need to stretch the field like that more often.
We need more brainpower.
I know a few long time Gator fans who might need to be put in a straight jacket right now.
Lagway better in the red zone b/c of his dual threat ability.
Pure representation of poor coaching.