I will be taking a break again. I've got too many health issues to, on top of that, have to listen to so much hatred and "Christian love"...and...
Now that I have a moment... I see that for some here this is a lost cause. You point to beliefs, the Bible, and morality and Christianity as...
Remember it's about God & morals. For others of course. Circulating online - Google docs with info on Trump, Santorum, and other Republicans and...
Families not staying quiet [MEDIA]
Another preacher discussing "women's rights" and how we need to bring back the days when they didn't have rights. Because rights to him include...
Of course, women already coming forward with bills showing blood pregnancy tests they didn't consent to after declining urine tests. This one...
Meanwhile, this is where we are. As women, being told to under no circumstances tell your doctor when your last period was. Because that's part...