She represents someone so I immediately discount her quote and position as biased. In fact, her quote is "questionable." See how easy that is?...
Still at #5 here too . . . [ATTACH]
Still at #5 (Coaches Poll still at #6) . . . [IMG]
:emoji_smile: 00:10 after Skink goes to THFSG . . . [IMG]
It should be better from here on out . . . :emoji_fingers_crossed:
This was an important unreported or under-reported aspect of the allegations. Possible motivation. It needed to be pointed out now that the...
Here's how The Alligator framed it . . . [MEDIA] Comments are as you would expect: Rough.
Thanks GatorKP! Merged with the old thread.
Yep. You can't teach speed and I understand he's got some!