Whilst playing the fear card, the maga socialists should bundle a Greenland down payment into the deal. The country is paralyzed & terrorized by...
I guess so. Not for me. I aim for about a 10 hr work week & I loath having to get up before 9am
this is a good 1 IMO. Health is a presence of a superior state of well-being, vigor, vitality, and pizzazz
I've never really understood using the metric of longevity. I guess it is easy to measure. I've never known anyone who was a life span maximizer....
Shit. we're heading to Columbia in June. Thanks, Comrade.
Claims the left is broken. Proceeds to make a leftist post.
I only worry about UE being too low. I trust the MAGA socialist workers party will create plenty of welfare jobs.
Glad to see that full court D again. I think that can be an effective wrinkle
that is an interesting quote. maybe the Christian saint is wary of her "god" b/c the religion is based on human sacrifice & celebrates the eating...
my door is unlocked. I'll let you know if your liberal errand boy shows up. https://youtube.com/shorts/0TSlL5JVPJs?si=v7OQawsp1mvpXJgs
I know that is your socialist dream, but Link?
another win for CHINA!
But he was on TV. 'ats merit based baby!