Don’t like ND but despise Uga. Good with the outcome!
“gold”…I see what you did there.
Not to pick nits, but he was turned in before he did something even more stupid than what led his family to turn him in…he had already been stupid.
Lasers certainly were beaming from his eyes for a while.
With all the cameras, should be an open and shut case. Charge should be attempted murder. I would never stand near the platform edge until the...
Thinking that Beamer was actually more mad at the refs at the lack of the unsportsmanship call on Beleima
Why doesn’t SC do like UI and fake injuries now?
Was wondering why an RPO wasn’t called on the 4th down.
Spoken like a football prophet…
You mean like put seven or eight in the box?
Tennercee said, “Damn, that sucked.” Bammer said, “Hold my beer.”
Worked at Port Panama City for minimum wage on weekdays the summer after high school. Remember unloading many many semi trailers of peanuts from...
Gotta be more than ignorant racism. The perp has bigger problems if you ask me. Throw the book at him. Check for PTSD. Let him serve his time,...
Saw that during the broadcast and wasn’t shocked or even surprised. I hope our team never gets so selfish that they take their beefs out in public.
Hard to watch that video.