Is it wrong for my final takeaway from this being that the OSU QB's mom looked like W.C. Fields with wig on?
I ranked this post “winner” because it was one of the best backhanded compliments I’ve read in a long time.
It seems to me that the bye week was a curse rather than a blessing. Teams with the buy week appeared as if they lost their edge. That doesn’t...
I was at the Fiesta Bowl, and I can witness to all of you first hand that OSU fans were overconfident, obnoxious idiots before the game, and...
If that plays out, their poor offspring is going to have the misfortune of being hit by two ugly sticks.
…and to hear the lamentation of their women.
Beck scares him.
That’s rule #1. Rule #2 is take the other guy’s helmet off and beat him with it. Rule #3 is to have a lawyer on retainer.
Our coach is what his record says he is. Hopefully, it all comes together next year. 4 years is enough time for a top-tier coach to produce a team...
The Gators weren’t playing and it didn’t affect us at all, so I didn’t watch. Football takes up too much Saturday fun time to have no skin in the...
If I were an excellent recruiter or a great coach, well, I’ll be doing that instead of posting on the message board. i’m simply a Florida Gator...
Great. Now I have that visual stuck in my head.
The time to have picked up Kiffin was when we were “too good for him”. Funny thing is, his personality suited us.
If coaches’ press conferences meant anything, they wouldn’t have to play the games.
Does anyone here seriously believe that “academics” are mentioned at any time during Kirby’s spiel, except as a potential roadblock to be...