What he's doing is ilegal. Charities, Churches and Politics | Internal Revenue Service Currently, the law prohibits political campaign...
Her writing "Bring a bucket and a mop for this w#+ a$$ p###v" tell me more about her moral acumen than her IQ. I have two daughters. Trump's...
I don't trust the political or moral acumen of someone best known for WAP.
Early voting doesn't predict results The early vote doesn't reliably predict results. Please Don’t Pay (Much) Attention to Early Voting Numbers
If I were a betting man I would have bet my house that Trump would lose in '16. Glad I don't bet. '16 proved to me that I don't any future in the...
SPURRIER FINALLY PULLS SHOTGUN OUT OF BAG – Orlando Sentinel It's behind a paywall but notice the title. Spurrier FINALLY pulls the shotgun out...