Awesome! Huge Dub for Elon Musk and DOGE! Trump green lighting EM/DOGE is shear brilliance! (...and props to Bloomberg for throwing his money...
The fire was started by the tear gas cannisters going off inside.
I like how he ended with "...give that to RFK ". Very cool.
I'm sure there's an innocent explanation (actually--but I suspect it's a troll job couched in some kind of website maintenance or update...).
I can't open your link, but no, they didn't "drink Kool aid". They were mostly burnt alive, after hours of exposure to CS tear gas, which was and...
You're reading it literally. The Catholic Church has long allowed for an allegorical reading of Genesis, and I have joined them for my entire...
The Pope at the time the BBT was pronounced, echoed and approved of it. :rolleyes: It was always and remains, consistent with Catholicism.
Raw ingredients do not cook gourmet meals of themselves; parts don't make Ferraris of themselves. Intelligence is required. And your science...
I agree that most ppl wouldn't have had a problem with a more Judicious, targeted case by case pardoning.... However, given the recklessly broad...
Good Lord... The 'perfect incubator' I referred to, would be this magnificent little pebble we all ride round and round about the sun, not your...
Just a quick hypothetical--what's more egregious: rowdy citizens protesting dubious election results that were cast in a sus haze of crooked...
They may not testify to the 'God of Abraham', but they hardly rule Him out either. Though with a modicum of deductive reasoning, it absolutely...
The proverbial primordial soup... Where all the pieces in the perfect incubator just happened to manifest, then proceed to do what they were...
Yeah, you mentioned the famous theory (Big Bang) authored by a Catholic priest and physicist. Your application of it, is what's flawed. Here's...
Awwww.... "First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out..." Somehow I don't recall you speaking out, back when a particular mod...