This is probably 100% the reason for it. The "yips" is such an excuse imo. You're a d1 softball player... get over it.
Dude..use more words to explain Or Those with attention deficit disorder may think you just admitted to hating your wife of 50 years as much as Kitty hates basketball. Your Honor the defense rests.
Doubt it is the yips and doubt it really has anything to do with a competitive advantage or everyone would do it. I just think she is a wacko. Great article on the Baylor catcher who we played last year in the supers. She took a lot of jeering at KSP last year. Talked with her during the series and she said she’s used to the fans booing her.
I can tell you when a player gets it they want nothing more than to get over it....which sometimes makes it worse. Steve Sax syndrome is rare but very real
It is interesting that if a team wanted to circumvent the rule, this would be the way to buy more time for communication from the dugout. "The pitcher has 20 seconds from the time they receive the ball from the catcher to separate their hands and deliver the pitch." The whole point is to move the game along and reduce dwell time. Legitimate psychological reason or not, the Auburn catcher adds to the length of the game, contrary to the spirit of the time rule. And its annoying to the fans.
I went down a big rabbit hole about it last year, and I agree... it's not fun to watch, but it's also super rough on the person who has the yips. I'm going to the Saturday and Sunday games this weekend, and I'm curious as to what my reaction will be to experiencing it in person. Also... because of your profile picture, I've got to ask... Are you going to be War Eagleing or Go Gatoring this weekend?
Slightly off topic: If you want to see an example of the power of Artificial Intelligence, google Maxi Preps softball. You will see a list of top teams. Pick any one like Monteverde Academy and it will take you to their page which has all kinds of information and AI generated stories using an AI program created by a company called Infosentience from data supplied by Maxi Preps. Now the power part. Maxi Preps does this for almost every high schools in the US and for every sport the schools or a representative of the team that submits results. Think tens of thousands schools times multiple sports. Think millions of players, parents and relatives, students and other fans subscribing to Maxi Preps or just checking results. Think $$$$ from pop up ad views. Darn, I even clicked on one of the ads today.
The off-topic aside for something entirely on topic.....I've never understood why opposing teams didn't bunt on Kelly 10 times per game. I would have done it. She simply could not throw overhand. And with Kelly I'm not sure it qualifies as the yips. The yips are for something you could always do but all of a sudden are impossible. Kelly never could throw overhand. (go ahead with another off-topic if it makes you feel better).
Off topic: Karlyn Pickens throws 78mph pitch against Arkansas this weekend.
In one of the regional or super regional games a few years ago the opposing team (Alabama?) did just that. Kelly's play seemed to get better when it was clear that was the strategy -- maybe not being surprised helped. And I think she moved to underhand throws as well.