Since we have a lull with a week off, here's a question I've always wondered about: When one of our batters is out, she'll go to the next batter and have a short conversation. It seems like she's probably giving information about the pitcher, but what types of things could be said in that short time that would be helpful?
You’re gonna see this pitch. Blue is calling this pitch and not this one. She does this when she throws that pitch. This pitch is working today. That pitch, she can’t control. There’s a lot of info that could be useful. Could also be talking about dinner plans and just do it to psyche them out.
Probably the same for gals but for guys it could be... See that chick in the stands above the dugout.
Duke seems to have fallen off a cliff. FSU beat them up yesterday and is up 11-1 today. Since beating us and UCLA, continuing with today's certain loss they are 8-8.
Took a second look at her twitter account. SVP is following her but I doubt that means anything. She also said that Murphy is the best coach in the country sooooo, while she is a talent, it is doubtful she is an honor student.
Heavener is pitching for LSU against UGA and is up 1-0 in the third with no outs. She has stuff but every time this year she has had trouble it has been control. The only reason she was saved in the second was bases loaded with no outs and UGA blistered a rope to first that led to a double play. In 48 pitches she has walked 6, had 3 wild pitches and hit one. Oh, as I was typing the bases are still loaded with no outs and game is now tied 1-1. Edit: Going to the fourth UGA up 2-1. Even with the terrible control issues, she has also struck out four in three innings. Seems to be feast or famine with her.
Granted that at the moment Auburn is up 2-0 in the top of 2 over Texas but pitching her seems to be an act of desperation. Auburn is a mess. She has pitched nine innings this year and walked eight. Auburn can't seem to get out of their own way. In the first Texas had runners on 1st and 2nd and a hit to medium deep center. The throw to third on the runner tagging appeared to be perfect and in time but the shortstop inexplicably cut it off. They got out of the inning but I doubt their lead is going to last. Edit: And Auburn is still using that nutso catcher who walks the ball back to the circle after every pitch. Never seen anything like it. soon as I post Auburn is a mess and pitching this kid is an act of desperation....they are up 5-0 over Texas going to bottom of three. I'm curious how they are paying the husband/wife co-head coaches. You gotta figure no way they would pay more than 4 million for a first time head coach and quite possibly not that much. So, in this case, are each getting 2 million or whatever? Edit: They pulled Tresvik after two innings. Gave up two hits, walked two and struck out one and no runs.
LSU run rules UGA and going for their second straight sweep. Beth seems to be getting a second wind with a good team now and excellent recruiting coming up in the future. Someone needs to step up and put a hurt on them.
Oklahoma losing 3-0 top of 4 at Missouri. Mizzou has a touch over 4000 in the stands today and about 7500 for the first two games.