In the 1950’s Polio was redefined and rebranded as multiple conditions, thus fabricating the illusion of vaccine efficacy. In 1963 when the measles vaccine was made available in Canada, clinical diagnoses of measles stopped, again fabricating the illusion of vaccine efficacy. And we’ve beaten to death how data was hammered, sautéed, par broiled and pan fried to make it look like the Covid vaccines were doing anything other than harming recipients. Cancer survival rates are similarly manipulated, but that’s another discussion.
On false binaries and no, the ‘Covid contrarians’ are not in charge … False Binaries that 'Limit the Spectrum of Acceptable Opinion' in the COVID-19 Debate and Perpetuate Lies Told by The Powers That Be (Part 1)
So much fail. Poster has been here long enough to see ALL his ignorant claims totally debunked, but willfully ignores facts, science, and logic to sustain his beliefs coming from ridiculous right-wing wacko sources. Be better
Vaccine cultists don’t do math … Per CDC directives you were considered unvaccinated for 14 days after being vaccinated. So, in reality, you could die from the vaccine and register as an unvaccinated death. They’ve been doing this shit forever … The Recipe For 'Safe And Effective'
Now your just lying, the majority of what I posted has been true. You and the rest of your cult just don't want to believe the facts.
This is the kind of propaganda (misinformation for those that like that term)…that was so prevalent during Covid… Where did you find this gem of a lie?! By June/July of 2021 more vaccinated were dying each month in England (the one place that provided us the hard numbers). And the percentage dying each month that were vaccinated increased every month after compared to those who did not take the shot. Therefore we know by June/July that more vaccinated were dying daily by June/July of 2021. I posted the numbers directly from England many times.
Are you really this incapable of thinking things through ... The UK had nearly a 100% vaccination rate among their most vulnerable population... so of course there may have been more "vaccinated" deaths from that population. This stuff isn't hard to figure out if you use your brain just a little bit.
“Suddenly and Unexpectedly” is karmic pushback for every death a Covid death. Time for vaccine cultists to take their medicine.
That some scientists suggested that a hypothesis isn’t worth following isn’t in itself great evidence that the hypothesis is true. Tons of scientists criticize the flat earth movement, but that hardly means we should be open up the debate on Earth shape. I agree that all hypotheses should remain open, but that is far from all evidence points to lab leak. Again, the article I posted above shows why most favor the spillover. And AzCat is right that the most likely mechanism of escape from culture in the lab would have been through spillover, not engineering, anyway, so believing in plausibility of the lab leak almost requires one simultaneously accepts the possibility of a non lab-assisted spillover.
Good! Let the false dichotomy flow through you! Carried away in arguing lab leak vs. natural origin blinds you from a hard reckoning of what was being done to people, especially in NYC and Bergamo …
You clearly are incapable of thinking this through. The US had extremely high rates for taking the shot among the elderly. You think we were jabbing babies and young people and not the elderly?! That chart is a flat lie. But then again. The msm had and continues to have you trained apparently.
Oh, the irony. Guy who doesn't understand rates telling other people that they need to think things through. That is the high quality Dunning-Kruger content we all needed today!
Yeah … and the chart I posted for the US shows the few people who opted not to get the vaccine were dying in greater numbers than the many that did…. If it’s a lie, post the “real” chart…. but I know You can’t because it doesn’t exist and you live in a fantasy world….
Remember the crisis actors like the Tennessee nurse who regaled us with tales of anguished patients, on their deathbeds, pleading to be given the vaccine they’d previously pooh-poohed ? And remember how we learned that the virus was so cunning that it was willing to lay in wait, for well over a year; until everyone had an opportunity to take the vaccine … then ruthlessly hunt down and kill those who had the temerity to belittle the wonder infusion ?
Anyone ever wonder why viruses always seem to originate in Asia ? Asian Flu, Hong Kong Flu, Avian Flu, SARS, MERS, SARS-CoV2. Epidemiology is a social science.
Are you seriously comparing flat earthers to the lab leak? That you are dismissing the obvious covering up by not only China but also anyone involved with the Wuhan lab tells me a lot. Your posting history says you are usually a rational person. If the coverup doesn't raise red flags to you, then I think you might want to ask yourself why you are ignoring that.