My daughter's college roommate (UF student) was here on TPS originally from Venezuela. Family has a house in Port St. Lucie, employed and paying taxes. Not any more. Keep rounding them up and ship them back, right @g8orbill? Must make you proud sending fellow Gators out of the country.
The majority of American voters who cast their votes for Trump probably agreed that he was a criminal but decided to vote for him anyway because they thought that he would lower prices and secure the Southern border. The same type of people who thought that Trump was a victim also thought that they could become successful real estate investors by enrolling in his phony university.
When juries get it wrong and convict an innocent defendant it's usually a case in which the defendant was indigent, very often a minority and/or had poor legal representation. None of those descriptions apply to Trump. Alina Habba notwithstanding Trump had outstanding representation in his New York trials.
92 there are always going to be exceptions to the norm - I am sure the parents knew the risks - some will fall thru the cracks but when it comes to illegal aliens, you have to follow the law and the law says they are here illegally and they have to go this is mostly on joey as he opened up our borders and let millions come in illegally- I have ZERO sympathy for those that came here illegally - ALL who came here illegally have to go you libs want to say I am a mean heartless bastard- oh well, does not bother me in the least. I will gladly give each one of you a TS slip and tell you to go buy a crying towel
With the possible exception of those individuals whose only crime was trespassing would you agree that Trump abused his discretion by pardoning the J6 insurgents especially those that attacked law enforcement officers or who were involved in planning the assault on the Capitol?
I think the J6 folks were heavily prosecuted for political reasons however, we cannot tolerate people acting like that. Everyone who broke the law that day should pay a price (just like other protestors/rioters should have done). I would only issue pardons on a case by case basis. There's a lot I don't like about Trump but, from your perspective, I'm a worshiper.
Except when it comes to due process, judicial orders, etc (that part isnt important to you, just the ends)
At one time I thought that Rubio represented the future of the Republican Party. As one who usually votes for the Democratic candidate I actually thought that I could cast my vote for Rubio if he ran for the presidency again. Of course all of that was before Trump metaphorically castrated "Little Marco" who like the overwhelming majority of Republican politicians has become a political eunuch with no balls.
Hilarious that adults actually believe this. Trump oversaw the two then-highest annual amounts of border crossings in history. He was only "saved" on this by covid. But; LOL, Biden opened up the border.
I voted for him because of the candidate he was running against. I could care less about the price of eggs.
Well I do have a three digit IQ so yes I am a liberal Democrat, but I have a question. I’ve been reading your posts with great interest and I’m wondering if you realize other people can read what you’re posting.
Were you going to provide us with evidence of your claim that "90% of the legal community said the case was spurious?"
You can agree with whatever you want but you’re failing miserably with your attempts at debate with posters. Further, I’m quite clear in what I’m telling you so stop trying to tell me what I mean. It’s embarrassing.