Snow White is a traditional fairytale, so while the Disney animated version is probably the most famous/definitive, it’s not an original property. Universal made a couple of films out of it (Snow White and the Huntsman and a sequel… not sure I saw the latter but the 1st was also forgettable). I guess Disney is going back to the well for their “live action” take.
As Western countries move into a deep recession (which seemed apparent many months ago) you would expect travel to decline. Massive spending masked the problems in the US economy. Spending cuts will remove the mask. Long term, major cuts in spending are needed. Don't expect the Democrats to help. Bidenomocs is being adapted by Euro countries and the results are predictable.
It was unbelievable. The show was designed specifically for the venue. They played about 2 1/2 hours or so. The atmospheric effects are the coolest, they make it seem like you are in an outdoor concert. Stayed at the Venetian so it was an easy walk since it's connected. Got some trading cards for call girls out on the strip. Starts at 100 bucks.
Yeah, that fat elvis Bono was doing a sold out 6 month gig there with some washed up band called U2. It's ok to not like a band, I don't like Taylor Swift or Drake / Meghan Stallion stuff, but it's fine if others do. To go more along with your theme is the Grateful Dead are going to be there after the Eagles and they will likely sell out their shows as well - and I'm not a Dead Head. Just hit some acid before that concert.
U2? Isn't that the band everyone got pissed off at when Apple included that as a free download on their Iphone/IPod? Look, I like U2 just fine, but their peak cultural relevance was when I was when I was in grade school lol. The Eagles ... well I wasnt even alive when they were peaking. It was already classic rock by the time I was conscious. And those Elvis Vegas shows back in the day packed the house too, he was a great performer.
Well I guess you'll just have to wait 20 years or so before the Foo Fighters or similar play the Sphere. I heard they were going to build another one on the East coast, not sure where.
Never was a big Foo Fighters fan, but they are already in classic rock territory, with a dead drummer to boot. Dave Grohl is out there doing "cool dad" stuff and being a rock ambassador. But even the newest rock acts are backward looking, so nostalgia is pretty baked in to every act to some degree.
my son saw dead & co at the sphere twice last summer. I take that as a parenting fail on my part. I just booked tix etc for the awesomely named best friends forever fest in Vegas. Not a great lineup & I dislike Vegas, but I likes a boys weekend & I’ve never seen Rilo Kiley.
Who cares? Losing 11 billions means nothing to you? You know who cares? the workers who lose the service jobs. the kitchen workers. housekeeping. Read the article at the link. This hurts the working man staffing travel related business
Jenny Lewis is great. She's a ridiculously underated singer / songwriter, IMO. I'm a fan. Just saw her a couple years ago and she still sounds amazing. Like this Just to link this post to TH:
I’ve never seen her headline. Saw her open for beck twice at red rocks & I saw Jenny & Johnny open for Pavement. That J&J alb is fantastic. Had tix to see her at the awesome Mishawaka but chose a boys trip to Asheville.
I don't know J&J. Looks like just on EP? I'll check it out. Yeah - i've never seen her headline either. That recent show she opened for Death Cab. Her and Gibbard did that Postal Service project together. I'm not as huge of a fan of his. Too pop.
Here’s two of my fav Jenny vids TikTok - Make Your Day As far as that death cab guy, I strongly urge you to check out One Fast Move or Im gone an alb about Kerouac that he did with Jay Farrar.
Not just tourism that will be hit. Canada is going to Europe for military equipment, energy sales and trade goods. It hurts the billionaire much more, so again, I don't care. The oligarchy can fight it out on who they want to let in. No one cares about a minimum wage job... Go get another one. All Americans are fat so Mickey Ds will always have business... Especially with that beef tallow fries... Yum... Go maga!
I know he's super well respected within the industry, but he's just never resonated with me, and it even seems like it should .. no accounting for taste lol. I'll check it out!