In response to entire due process argument, the immigration crisis has risen BECAUSE he used the magic word, “asylum,” when crossing the border. Because that is what they were trained to say. Whether he is truly an asylum candidate, I sure can’t say. But what is undeniable is that the cry of asylum was grossly abused and undermined, indeed paralyzed, our system of due process. We don’t have the manpower or funds to handle the volume of purported asylum seekers, thus ensuring they stay here for YEARS until their case is heard, if ever. The issue, as I see it, is how do we deal with the millions of backlog of asylum cases, when the entire system of due process has been abused?
Like I said, some people confuse incoherence, preference for expedience over rules/regulations and lack of principles for being a "moderate" or "independent." Literally everyone posting on TH has a great deal of issues where they arent taking maximalist positions, just like you.
Sorry, buddy - the government doesn't get to label anyone they choose to a "gang member" and then ship them off to a country not of their origin. There's a document we have called the Constitution. Since you seem pretty unfamiliar with it, this might be a good time for you to do some learning.
Again, you are the one most comfortable with 'exceptions' to rights and due process it seems. Its all those libs that say everyone should have their day in court, no exceptions.
Sorry, buddy - the government doesn't get to label anyone they choose to a "gang member" and then ship them off to a country not of their origin. There's a document we have called the Constitution. Since you seem pretty unfamiliar with it, this might be a good time for you to do some learning.
We can use the Trump method. Just ignore the Constitution and do as you please. Of course, this is the definition of Fascism, but as long as they think they are winning, MAGA doesn't care. Who needs Constitutional protections anyway?
And you MAGA's just love being clueless, and are so concerned about being so far up the orange skidmark Dictator's backside, you started to show signs of orange yourself....
I’m not disagreeing with you, but it’s the dilemma we now face—an overburdened judiciary caused by a complete and total abuse of an extremely limited exception to entry to our country. Bluntly, our Constitution is faced with an unanticipated burden and expense in free speech—where social media affords an unlimited platform to spread lies and hate to such an extent that the very freedom intended to be protected by such free speech is materially threatened. What do we do?
First thing we should do is not shred the Constitution. Second, looks for ways to actually solve the problem, even if we're just adding small band-aids. Biden had worked out a decent, bipartisan border bill that would have increased the number of asylum judges. Would not have solved anything, but it would have improved the issue. Another thing that helps? Investing in the home countries of these immigrants which opens up jobs and gives them much less incentive to leave. VP Harris was successful in securing hundred of millions of private investment monies to attract jobs in C. American countries. In short, nobody asks for asylum in the US if they never leave their home country. What has Trump done to help the issue? He broke the first rule. He's shredding the Constitution.
Actually Trump is considered one of the three most dangerous people on the planet. He can do more damage, and cause more death than any gang. In fact I can say that about any republican president since history shows violent crime rises under republican presidents, and drops under democrats. Gangs are dangerous but how republicans respond is racist and xenophobic. If you disagree then explain to me why gangs that have brown or black skin are dangerous, but the KKK along with other white nationalists groups, the Oathkeepers, Proud Boys, and militia groups are considered fine people by this president. United States Crime Rates 1960 t0 2019
I've looked at various articles trying to find a link to the actual written Order(s) the Judge issued, and it's crazy to me that it's so difficult to access without paying the PACER cartel. I wonder if there is talk about ever trying to move forward with this? This bill requires the Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts to establish a single electronic system for all public federal court records that is publicly accessible, free of charge, and does not require registration.
allowing illegal aliens into this country is violating the Constitution- you libs want illegals so you are okay with it
Can you cite the specific constitutional provision (or provisions) that addresses illegal immigration?
Show us a link, any link where anyone is in favor of keeping gang members in the US. There are laws on the book for addressing the issue. Your hero thinks they do not apply to him and you are ok with that.