When it comes to mindlessness none of the judges who have been appointed by Democratic presidents come close to Matthew Kacsmaryk who apparently thought that he knew about the drug Mifepristone than the scientists at the FDA who oversaw the approval process of the drug including its multiple clinical trials or Aileen Cannon Trump's personal judge who has been admonished by a higher court on more than one occasion.
No. However, having heard first hand how poorly the company is run from an operational standpoint and how over taxed their engineering staffs are, we are extremely greatful and mildly suprised that all ended well. It is the right-wing mouth breathers that have the murder and death fantasies while making love to your favorite AR-15.
Trump admin having them deported as “illegal aliens.” Bern around here since the beginning and don’t know of anyone that would root for a tragedy. No one. It takes a sick mind to even think along those lines.
lol. Perfect response. Musk is stupid and lucky and we all just love our ar-15s. You, honestly, couldn’t have made a more hypnotic post if you tried.
Possibly my favorite post on the board of all time. It makes lurking for a few minutes a day totally worth it to come across such a golden pile of shit.
Elon is a shitty human on a number of levels including, yes, short-staffing his companies and thereby overworking his employees, but Gwynne Shotwell working under those constraints has SpaceX humming. It would be a shock if this didn’t pull off without issue. This is a tried and tested technology, nothing like their Starship.
Some quotes from the founder of the "news" site: "NATO is a greater threat to American liberty than the Chinese Communist Party. In August 2024, he wrote the "ruling regime" of the United Kingdom, referring to the Labour Party that took power in the 2024 general election, "is far less legitimate than Saddam was in Iraq prior to the US invasion—and, for that matter, far less legitimate than Maduro's regime in Venezuela".[16] In October 2024, Beattie tweeted, "Competent white men must be in charge if you want things to work. Unfortunately, our entire national ideology is predicated on coddling the feelings of women and minorities, and demoralizing competent white men."[19] Beattie's views have been described as white nationalist.[20] An article from Forbes on Revolver News Revolver.News, A Right-Wing Website Endorsed By Trump, Calls For Shooting Protestors On Wednesday, the right-wing news aggregation website Revolver.news published an “exclusive” article calling on law enforcement officials to open fire on protesters in Louisville and elsewhere. While many right-wing media outlets and commentators have echoed calls for “law and order,” what make the Revolver article of interest is the name of one of its biggest promoters... President Trump.
Darren J. Beattie is apparently a very smart guy. He is also a total racist lunatic. By the way do you really think the Labor Party government of the UK is worse than Iraq was under Saddam Hussein or Venezuela under Maduro as does the "great journalist"?
Oh I don't know about that, plane crashes were never talked about around here until it was discovered that they could somehow be blamed on Trump and DOGE. There are posters around here who can't wait for the next death by cop. There are those waiting for a chance to post these things.
Dude, this isn’t even close to being true. We’ve had a running Alaska airlines thread about issues with planes that didn’t even crash and you’re going to try and claim that this site wouldn’t talk about actual plane crashes?
thank you so the reality is there was a capsule there for their entire stay that they could have used to return if needed. ie, this was no rescue but a planned return this seems lost on 99.9% of the people out there
attacking the judicial branch, the last check willing to tell dear leader no do you think we should ahve a single branch of gubmnt making all decisions? is that what you want?
someone is going to hire her when she realizes she can do the same thing and not be treated like a dog what do you think about this? projected burnout rate of spacex satellites in 2035 will produce enough aluminum oxide to destroy the ozone layer if only we had federal agencies to regulate this kind of stuff The world’s next big environmental problem could come from space | MIT Technology Review The ash from the reentries contains ozone-damaging substances. Modeling studies have shown that some of its components can also cool down Earth’s stratosphere, while others can warm it. Some worry that the metallic particles could even disrupt Earth’s magnetic field, obscure the view of Earth-observing satellites, and increase the frequency of thunderstorms. ................................................. SpaceX’s Starlink is the biggest of these. Currently consisting of about 6,500 satellites, the fleet is expected to mushroom to more than 40,000 at some point in the 2030s. Other mega-constellations, including Amazon Kuiper, France-based E-Space, and the Chinese projects G60 and Guowang, are in the works. Each could encompass several thousand satellites, or even tens of thousands. ............................. In 2019, some 115 satellites burned up in the atmosphere. As of late November, 2024 had already set a new record with 950 satellite reentries, McDowell says. The mass of vaporizing space junk will continue to grow in line with the size of the satellite fleets. By 2033, it could reach 4,000 tons per year, according to estimates presented at a workshop called Protecting Earth and Outer Space from the Disposal of Spacecraft and Debris, held in September at the University of Southampton in the UK. “We used to see about 50 to 100 rocket stages reentering every year,” he says. “Now we’re looking at 300 a year.”