LOL. Point being theme park attendance was up in 2024, not down. Just pointing out looking at 1 quarter doesn't tell the whole story.
Here is what I said: That is true. They started losing visitors in Q4 2024. I made no claims about the entire year nor did I make any claim as to the reasons. Better luck next time.
I suspect that you would feel far differently if you owned or benefited from a business that depended on foreign tourism. My guess is that there a lot people in Las Vegas, Orlando or the Miami area will not be overly thrilled when the number of foreign visitors drops significantly.
In 2023, Orlando had 4.9 million international visitors, which represented about 6.6% of total travelers. This also represented only about 75% of the pre-pandemic international visits. A 10% drop in international visitors represents 500,000 persons. International travelers also tend to stay longer. Usually a least a week, because who travels hours on a plane for just a weekend? Figure about $100 a day in hotel, travel, food, and attractions (which is a low estimate in my opinion), and we're talking about a loss of $350 million in tourist revenue alone in Orlando. That's not going to sink Orlando. But ask the airlines, rental car companies, restaurants, hotels, and attractions in the area, and they will tell you they will feel it. So will the state budget, which again, is dependent upon sales taxes as a major source of revenues.
You calling Trump woke? Because it's his policies that is causing a reduction in international visitors to the US.
Never said it was anything. Just posted that DisneyWorld had a difficult Q4. And tens of thousands, if not hundred of thousands of less international visitors won't help the situation.
Was just in Vegas to see the Eagles at the Sphere and there was no shortage of degenerate gamblers in the Casinos at 4 am. I'm sure there are all kinds of charts and statistics that will show that the tourism industry is cratering but my eyes and experiences say otherwise. Maybe the foreigners are staying away but all the Americans are taking their place, you know, because our economy is in the crapper.
How would your eyes notice a yearly decline in tourism in the entire country in one weekend in one place?
This is like saying "wow, the Eagles are sold out tonight, they must be the hottest band in the country"