They’ve got us going around in circles, meaning: right where they want us … Perpetuating Scientific Fraud Through Storytelling | The Lab Leak Theory
Anyone still believing in the "covid came from the wet market" BS probably also believes in the tooth fairy...
There is zero evidence it came from the wet markets. Pretty much every MSM outlet vilified anyone who dared question whether covid came from the Wuhan Lab. Hell, Fauci and Company purposely tried to destroy anyone saying that. If you think that covid came from the wet market that says a lot about you.
so an untrained opinion writer working for the number one driver of division (Murdoch) releases the kraken to create more division..and you believe it..simply amazing..
It’s written by a sociologist, so I’ll grant her “scientist-ish” status. The main point of her article doesn’t seem to be that COVID came from the lab, but instead that the debate on this point was wrongly stifled. I am sympathetic to this argument, but my bias is usually against stifling debate.
I don’t know where COVID came from, but I would say that anyone who denies the possibility of a spillover under-appreciates the power of evolution.
LOL. Sorry, I'll trust the real scientists and the security teams from numerous countries who almost all of which say with certainty that covid came from the Wuhan Lab. It's not racist like the NYT's tried to say back in 2021. It's called common sense. Think a lot of people didn't use common sense when dealing with Covid on both sides of the aisle.
SARS (2002) and MERS (2012) are also coronavirus that seemingly came out of nowhere. You going to tell me those were also man made?
You all have to have faith in what you believe in because it makes sense to you and your brain. Otherwise you're all arguing over heresay and second hand information.
So, regarding Covid, I'm going to go with the thought process that the Corona Virus lab in Wuhan China where they were studying Coronaviruses and had some of the first people to be infected be from the lab itself as the main point of focus. Now why would some people and governments want to paint a picture that covid came from a wet market? If you can answer that question honestly then you already know the answer.
Do you believe that Evolutiondiditism (my term) produced submicroscopic particles so intelligent that they sought out and killed Christian radio talk show host who denied their existence ?
They didn’t exist either. But it is interesting that virus believers came to regard SARS as a nothingburger.
I don’t know what is your definition of a “real scientist”, but I personally wouldn’t trust anyone that thinks that a virus couldn’t possibly do this on its own. Consider this: One of the main arguments for lab leak is that the virus seemed immediately too well evolved to infect humans for the process not to have been helped by lab experiments. But then, this same virus ran through North American white tailed deer, like a hot knife through butter. Now maybe you would say, humans and deer are both mammals, so that’s an understandable spillover. True, but then again bats are mammals too.
Well, when you have the people with the most to lose vehemently denying it came from a lab leak, that makes me think they are lying. We have the FBI, MI6, German Intelligence all saying covid most likely came from the lab. The most likely outcome is usually the correct one. And in this case, the data is overwhelming that it originated in the Wuhan Lab.
Your guess work isn’t any better than the rest of us. As I recall, there has been plenty of debate on the topic, and we’ve even had one US agency lean towards man made and one lean towards natural … both with “low confidence”, meaning no real conclusions were drawn. Seems to go against the idea that debate is being stifled…. Now why would some people or governments want to paint a picture that it is definitely man made? If you can answer that question honestly then you already know the answer.
LOL. Why would a govt want to prove it's man made? Well, because it's the truth. Would hope any country would want to know the truth. Just so we're clear here, your opinion is covid came from a wet market? If it is just own it.