I hate to break it to you but there's no Name, Image, or Likeness worth paying for with 99.9999% of college athletes either. Nobody is paying them for any of those things.
As crazy as it sounds it does happen. A recent super bowl winning DT was lured away from Apopka before he got lured back....and that was 6-7 years ago
When they were first proposing NIL, I just assumed the athletes would be doing commercials for Yellawood or Goldenflake or Bob's Car Emporium. What I wasn't aware of is NIL is just a way to pay players for coming to your school. Had I known, I would have been vehemently opposed. This has become a total and complete farce.
You mean a high character athlete that races their friends, possibly contributes to an accident and then leaves the scene while they are dying so as to not get in trouble? The one that also cashed in Georgia pre-NIL?
Thing is, its been a farce for decades. At least this way, reality is at least seen for what it is. Its a terrible system and has been all along. The charade is over .
Yeah real terrible that the people actually playing the game which generates billions of dollars get a share of the revenue instead of just the coaches getting millions of dollars.
Thing is, they should be getting their fair share of what is generated. Thats not what is happening though.
Let's not ignore they were already getting a college education, lodging, nutrition, heathcare, training, coaching and development, and a cash stipend. Any player is perfectly free to train and develop themselves on their own in preparation for the nfl.
So let’s get this straight. Billions of dollars in tv deals, coaches making $7m/yr and you have an issue with the actual players getting paid?
So let's get this straight, you think college athletes aren't already getting significant benefit for their athletic talent? And that applies to all athletes in all sports....not just football. I am in favor of all athletes getting a reasonable stipend provided by the schools as part of the scholarship. I also favor a 4 year commitment to that scholarship from the school if the athlete also agrees to sit a year if transferring. This myth that every school has massive cash readily available is just crazy. Even with large TV deals the expenditures are problematic for many programs (big and small). IF an athlete can command a real NIL deal then more power to them. Of course the overwhelming majority of current deals are not true NIL, they are simply payola. Very few college athletes can justify true NIL deals. The current path is not sustainable. UF has a couple of boosters shouldering most of that load and there is major donor fatigue. Without some control uf could easily be in trouble in a year or two
So a head coach can make $7m yr and the players (who take all the risk and produce the product that generates so much revenue) should settle for a “reasonable stipend” lol
This is not a direct answer to your question. But I watch/spend money on my favorite team the Gators because of the players or coaches. I want to see a game because the Gators are playing and not because Michael Jordan is wearing the gators uniform or Saban us walking the sideline.
The neccessity for boosters to have to pay so much. They are trying for a 20 mil cap. Im sure there are alot of boosters with sore asses right now.