I just love the hypocrisy of the left. Trump could make the same speech, and be burned alive. If Obama makes the speech, cutting government waste is the greatest thing since Swiss cheese. Biden was Elon Musk in 2011. Hilarious to look back and see the hypocrisy.
It’s not what he’s doing it’s how he’s doing it. Not that you all give a shit about the distinction. Your team also used to complain about weaponizing government- weird we aren’t hearing those complaints anymore despite the huge weaponization of government.
The weird thing here isn't your attempt at deception and misrepresentation - we've come to expect that from MAGA. It's that you think there's a snowball's chance in Hades that it will fly on this board, which consists largely of people who are actually aware and informed. Obama didn't publicly disparage govt agencies. He didn't utilize some unelected, unqualified flunky solely because that person contributed nearly $300 million to his election campaign. And he didn't publicly lie and defame, such as saying that USAID was a "criminal organization." So your thread is a failure, and your attempts to deceive are a failure. Some people actually call such things -outright deceptive comparisons- lies.
Nobody is against cutting inefficient waste in government. It's the ready, fire, aim approach that is unconstitutional that's the issue.
How many lawsuits have the liberals filed? How many have been successful? You may get a temporary restraining order at first that give liberals boners, only to be dismissed later by liberal judge after they become educated by the Attorney General. What’s unconstitutional?
Right. How many unelected government employees are there? Was Jack Smith elected? Was he even confirmed by the Senate?
Appropriations comes from Congress. If Congress approves spending, and the POTUS doesn't spend it, that's called impoundment. If the POTUS doesn't give Congress a good reason why the monies aren't spent, that goes against the Impoundment Control Act. Federal employees also have legal protections. If you fire a Fed worker for cause stating poor performance, you better have documentation to back it up. If not, prepare for more rulings like this.
Spot on - viva la difference! Democrats- talk about it, talk about it, get re-elected, create a committee and talk about it some more - nothing changes. Trump- get on with it and do it. I actually think people do appreciate the difference.
Hilarious. Two thirds of the federal budget is non-discretionary spending. So how much fake fraud, or even legitimate budget cutting is your felon even going to do? And never mind the harm, of course..... Might your felon and his unelected co-grifter cut 15% of appx $2.3 trillion in discretionary spending? He's going to lose us more than that in IRS enforcement alone. Then factor in tax cuts People like you that believe their BS and lies are so quaint.
Clinton didn't employ a ready, fire, aim approach. He asked every department to come up with up to 10% where they could cut, minus military, veteran affairs, SS and Medicare. Clinton gave the departments six months to come up with suggestions. Then, at the end of the six month period, Clinton worked with Congress to enact cuts. If Trump had followed a similar path, there would be complaints, but it wouldn't be major. And there would be no Constitutional issues. But that's not what Musk and Trump are doing.
You’re welcome to the point but don’t twist what I wrote. I grant you Federal Gov. employment decreased under Clinton’s administration. It made him a rare Democrat in our time and likely why he won 2 elections. Nowhere did I say “never” and I acknowledged it earlier “not diminishing”. If you think this would have happened without “the Gingrich who stole Christmas” I would say you’re wrong.
The issue isn't what but how. They need to pull the weeds, but not by bulldozing the entire yard. This is all a big flex and its not the way to accomplish what needs to be accomplished.
Reminds of the feeble attempt to compare Bill Clinton's Reinventing Government Initiative with Musk's chainsaw approach. Clinton appointed a commission to study federal governmental waste in March 1993, the commission issued a report in October 1993 following a thorough review of the federal government in its entirety and submitted the recommendations in the report to Congress for review following which the actual cuts were made. Musk and his team of maybe a couple of dozen young software engineers with no governmental experience began cutting within days of Trump's inauguration with total disregard of the consequences. If Obama actually began cutting the federal government like Musk has done please provide a link. I will be waiting to see it.