holy shitskie WARNING: Stop at 2:55 if you don't want to hear anything about faith. Since we've had complaints, I'd stop it there so people don't even have to hear it, but I don't know how. /ETGator
That video is a religious podcast and while I and many others on the board may approve of the message, I don't believe the expression of those values is the expressed purpose of Gator Country.
I don’t think so either. None of the stuff posted here should be interpreted as relating to “the expressed purpose of Gator Country”, unless it’s presented as such by the Admins. So what’s that got to do with some batshit crazy check beating another runner over the head with a baton?
This girl is not very bright. There’s multiple angles showing what she did was intentional. She could have owned it and apologized, but now she’s doubling down and crying in a recent interview, still claiming it was an accident. If it was an accident, would you really keep running? Wouldn’t you stop to help her? She’s fos is what she is. Not nearly as much on the line, but it reminds me of Tonya Harding. Hopefully the victim presses charges.
Pathetic that her family is supporting and lawyering up instead of owning what happened. Maybe theyve been making excuses her whole life and thats how she got here.
It wasn’t even in rhythm for natural moves while running. Maybe she slung it forward in frustration and didn’t mean to hit her that hard. But it was a crime of passion and it happened. One different view doesn’t keep the other from being any less important. Sad really, for both sides.
What would be refreshing and make me feel a lot better about the aggressor is if she would have explained her actions something like this: “I lost control in an intensely competitive event. I owe the victim, my family, my coaches and everyone in attendance an apology. This incident does not portray who I really am”. But she chose to sling snot and whimper in front of cameras and deny any intention to attack her victim.
Looks to me like they should just ban assault batons to prevent this from happening again. Seems they should blame the baton not the runner. Maybe foam is a better choice from now on. No one needs a metal baton.
Deplorable actions on the track followed up by a pathetic attempt to disavow blame. This is win at all costs mentality versus competition with good sportsmanship. Sigh