They had the presence of mind to walk the other way when the GC went off like a popcorn popper. Again, if you want to be a dick then be a dick. It actually proves much of what you're talking about. To the naked eye, it's all looks very normal and the radiation is pretty low in most places. Obviously, there are places where it isn't and I'm probably not trying to drink the well water. . . . but, yeah, they're walking around, even in the town and nobody is dropping on the ground and dying of radiation sickness. Like I said earlier, it's a cool video. Nowhere else to see first-hand footage of it like this.
*sighs* we actually have scientific evidence for radiation along with historical evidence that people have been killed by it.
I find it fascinating how people waste their time debating settled science with anecdotes. In the year 2025, there are people debating if nuclear weapons have harmful radiation? Truly incredible stuff. It's not like this is studied worldwide and globally understood or anything. Oh wait, it actually is.
Science by definition is not settled. It is supposed to be amenable to new findings. Nobody said that radiation is not harmful, horrifically so, in certain circumstances. But had you read the article, you’d have learned that Hiroshima began building almost immediately and with few ill effects and has been a thriving metropolis for decades.
Now that you mention it, it wasn’t so much science as movies which have embedded our beliefs about nuclear fallout. Perhaps the first was On the Beach which starred Gregory Peck, Ava Gardner and Fred Astaire.
I did read the article and noted gems such as this. It is nonsense. “Medical arguments alone suffice to unambiguously reject the story of the atomic bombs. At the same time, they provide strong support for mustard gas and napalm as essential components of the massacre.” Read another page on that site that says this: Vaccines are witchcraft, rooted in pseudoscience predicated on insane barbarism, rife with fraud and immense hubris.
I don’t subscribe to the writer’s every suspicion. But I am intrigued by other suppositions of his. For example, you have never sought to question how Hiroshima began to rebuild almost immediately and with little long-term effects because “settled science.” FYI: he is undoubtedly correct about virology and vaccines. You’re triggered by dint of your “settled science.”