My feed has been blowing up over the last few hours about Lagway's health issues and no not the hamstring issue he had last season. Apparently, he has an ongoing issue with his throwing shoulder that Napier is getting a 2nd opinion on. Furthermore, Lagway will not be throwing much in the Spring. I never recalled him ever having a shoulder injury and definitely 3 months after the season is over. It's been quiet on SG about this so what is going on?
So I was able to grab one article this morning:
As long as he's ready for September, all will be well in the world. Most articles from Athlon are just repeated BS anyway. Of course, he did get banged around like any QB does during the season last year. That being said, I hope they treat him like we did Kyle Pitts and limit his exposure to injury on all practice days.
I am not sure your opinion of Athon’s is correct or not… Mark Long has a solid history and we all know he will be around longer then ‘this guy’… There is no need to publicly report injuries and why wouldn’t DJL be handled with care? Isn’t that why there are non contact jerseys?
There are always several players who are limited by the coaches in the spring. Sounds like Coach Napier is being very conservative with Lagway. I agree with @MarineG8R. Well memed!
Sounds like a tendonitis type thing....probably from overuse. All these new wr come in, everyone excited, and they go out to work and throw way too many balls
When it comes to Quarterbacks and the University of Florida lately I’ve learned to expect the worst and be surprised if it’s not. I hope he’s okay.
If he had some issues after the Miami game, this sounds like a chronic problem. I am glad great caution is being used but having shoulder issues myself it's hard to get rid of. My other concern is without Lag, winning games against top competition will be difficult. Teams will sell out to stop the run and we will go back to horizontal passing.
Gators Breakdown podcast covers it pretty well today. Sounds like some overuse last year in spring and fall camp lead to some off and on discomfort last year. Hopefully just the staff taking precautions.
Not to hijack but will the Spring game let us know if we have anyone of caliber behind DJ? We believe without DJ we are lost, but I hope that's not reality. It's difficult for an SEC QB to be healthy all season.
Assuming we have a spring game, you’re going to see more than one qb. You’re not going to learn whether one of the other qb’s can successfully navigate an sec schedule if they’re thrown into the fire unless that actually happens.
I think the teams cancelling their games are likely still having the same amount of scrimmages. I’m not a fan of cancelling them though. Just one more thing being taken away from the fans.
True but our QB1 does too if we want to make sure he takes that next step from year 1 to year 2. All the teams we play will have a whole offseason to scheme against him and there are definitely things he needs to work on. Especially in passing situations when the defense drops everyone back. Several times last year that happened and he got happy feet with people open and not much pressure.