Entering Ukraine with as few as 70,000 troops at the outset, and gradually built its force, through robust recruitment, to roughly 620,000 today, approximately 200,000 of those combat troops along with 30,000 police forces. That’s 200,000 combat troops in a country the size of Texas. Gives you an indication how it might take awhile to chew through hundreds of thousands of people with guns along a 1,000km front line.
lf I were Ukraine, I would immediately stop sharing ANY intelligence with us. Tulsi probably would funnel it right to the Kremlin.
Russia's problems with Chechnya are none of our business. That:s been going on for centuries. Right now they get along pretty well. Imagine the Mex-Americans in the American southwestern wanted independence from our country and wanted to fight for it. Would you support war? Chechnya wanted independence. Russia said no. Keep in mind Chechen terrorists were supported by America. Putin asked Bill Clinton to stop the CIA from supporting these terrorists but Clinton did nothing. Moldova is very complicated. The country has a good number of Russian-speakers. The EU-USA wants to pull it away from Russia's sphere of influence. Obviously Russia will counter that. Last year the Moldovan election was rigged against the Russian-speakers. Ukraine and the US started the current war with Russia. Georgia's Shalikashvili opened fire on ethnic Russian enclaves. Medvedev had replaced Putin as president and he did what any Russian leader would do. He sent in forces to protect the Russian-speakers (similar to how Russia protected Russian-speakers in the Donbas after Ukraine began its artillery assault in violation of the Minsk agreements). Georgia started that conflict. In Syria the US backed Al Qaeda and other Islamist terrorists. Many would say the US helped create and maintain Islamic State. Russia was in Syria to kill terrorists. Assad asked for Russia's help Not sure what you think Russia did wrong in Africa. In Ethiopia the US backed the genocidal terrorists known as the Tigrayan Peoples Liberation Front. Feel free to say what Russia did wrong in Africa
Not an unbiased source but an interesting opinion. How US right-wing podcasters shape pro-Russia, anti-Ukraine sentiments
apparently intel has been cut for weeks, about the time those long range refineries quit blowing up. hard to imagine that real time satellite imaging can't be purchased to acquire targeting data. is that not a possibility? do they need more than the gps coordinates?
Denmark is developing a new model for getting weapons and ammo into the hands of the Ukrainian military. They are financing factories in Ukraine. Sweden and Iceland are helping with the funding, as is interest on frozen Russian accounts. A NATO ally figured out the trick to getting weapons to Ukraine cheaper and faster. It could be critical.
Common sense understands doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result is the definition of insanity. Anti-common sense sentiment believes somehow the net result will be different this time without any supporting evidence to their claim.
Yeah, it figures. Probably got turned off as soon as Trump got the keys to the White House. He surely dismantled our military command structure and security apparatus for Russia's benefit, just as Putin would have wished in his wildest dreams when Biden was President. Putin must be exhilarated right now - he's being handed Ukraine on a platter to dismember as he wishes by Trump. Couldn't have bought a better agent. It wouldn't surprise me if StarLink goes next.
Looks like France, who we have derided forever for being surrender monkeys, actually has Ukraine's back, unlike our surrender monkeys: France fills the gap: Ukraine gets intel lifeline after U.S. shutdown https://www.ukrinform.net/rubric-polytics/3967495-french-dm-we-have-intelligence-resources-which-we-share-with-ukrainians.html France provides military intelligence to Ukraine as US freezes vital information
Meanwhile, Trump is interviewing new Russian-approved Ukrainian leadership for Putin: Trump’s team secretly discusses election prospects with Zelenskyy’s political rivals - Politico
Some better news for Ukraine along the Pokrovsk front: Russian forces struggle with fatigue and manpower shortage as Ukraine shifts to active defense near Pokrovsk
so surrender and help the putin bootlickers get elected. will the american people realize that trump is in putin's pocket allow china to take taiwan do the american people really want the usa to become a predator instead of a protector? like a cabal has taken over the planet by taking over the US and now the world will be run by strongmen. dt has been itching to join the gan, always expressed great admiration for dictators worldwide. wth america, wake up... I know I moved a significant sum into european defense stock fund a couple of weeks ago. stoxx or euad
russia is struggling from logistics hits and manpower shortages. it is why it sux so bad that now that ukraine has them on their heels that dt is rushing to putins aid