Has there ever been a member of Congress that had to be forcibly removed from the audience during a POTUS speech to a joint session, because he wouldn't sit down and shut up?
lol. Dude flying in coach has life figured out. That’s some funny ass lower middle class wisdom my friend.
Where is insult humor on the leadership character list? Above or below rapist and insurrectionist? Just curious.
Dems showed up for sure yesterday, lol. I don’t see how they can look any crazier than what the chose to do. I especially liked the wolf man with the cane
Sad response, but I know you’re in a tough spot after yesterday. The speech was good and the dems looked like a giant pack of assholes. Also, do u ever sleep?
gator_jo: "Did you yell at her for probably being a vile Trump voter, as red states have a higher obesity level than blue states? The pattern is unmistakable. The states having the highest obesity rates also voted Republican in the 2012 presidential election. Close to the top are Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Indiana, etc. What might this mean for obesity prevention?" vegasfox: "Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama" are Red states but they also have large percentages of blacks who on average are significantly more obese than whites (~42% and ~32% nationally, respectively). Blacks vote overwhelmingly for Democrats. So you're not proving that Trump voters are more obese than Democrats on average. Democrats have been using this red state-blue state trick for many years. Often to try and show that Republicans pay less in taxes relative to gov't benefits received compared to Democrats. Source for obesity rates nationally (not necessarily for Louisiana, Mississippi and Alabama): Statista - The Statistics Portal
That speech was pure rhetoric of a babbling idiot who is being set up by the Heritage Foundation to be a puppet-dictator. In a day and age when Republicans actually had functioning brains, they would have demanded that idiot be dragged out of the halls of Congress and thrown in jail. Now, they are just a sad bunch of brainless sycophants cheering for hate speech, stupidity and lunacy. It has been nearly 100 years, and I guess the world is going to have to learn the lesson.....again....what happens when a segment of a population enables and hate mongering despot.
Those states are still significantly more white dominated than black, so nice try playing the race bait card. That would be like me saying I have 7 out of 10 items that fall under one category, or 70%, whereas I have 60 out of 100 falling under the other category, or 60%. The stats may show one thing, but reality and diving deeper shows a completely different story.
It was literally just lie after lie and Vance and Johnson taking turns jerking Trump off in the background the entire time.
None of the left on this site does much outside of reply here mostly all day and night. The next four years will be an echo chamber of hilarity on here and I’m all for it.
Witty retort. Sadly if I had 50 accounts I wouldn’t spend 1/10th the time you and some of your cohorts spend on here. @snatchmagnet and I are close in age but not in intellect.
Good point. In fact, if I read her lips properly, she laughed and said "good one" while looking at Trump. Honestly, and most on the Left will never learn this, her response made me MORE likely to listen to her as she showed good humor (about herself) and an ability to enjoy herself. Images of the majority of Democrats yesterday made them look like they were weaned on a leman.
Did he threaten Greenland straight up or not? If yes. How can it be a good speech? I havent watched it yet so I cant really comment informed yet ... however I did see the Greenland threat clip.