Also awfully presumptive of him to assume it’s because they eat unhealthy and don’t work out and not related to one of the many medical conditions that exist that can attribute to permanent weight gain. This one is a real winner.
Did you yell at her for probably being a vile Trump voter, as red states have a higher obesity level than blue states? The pattern is unmistakable. The states having the highest obesity rates also voted Republican in the 2012 presidential election. Close to the top are Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Indiana, etc. What might this mean for obesity prevention? While political leaning is predictive of weight problems at the state level, this connection could well be due to other factors, such as education level, poverty, or ethnic group. When such factors were excluded in a study of US counties, political orientation still emerged as a strong predictor of obesity rates. Why Red States Suffer Greater Obesity
Yeah you're right, that's the reason half the country is obese. Fauci probably told you that so you fell in line and believed it. LOL
The old record for the longest speech delivered in person by a U.S. president to a joint session of Congress was held by Bill Clinton. His 2000 State of the Union Address lasted approximately 1 hour and 28 minutes, making it the longest spoken State of the Union speech in history. The new record was just set.
haha, as you can see I rarely ever post on this cesspool but you and your cronies live on here. Thought it would be fun to come get a reaction from you and your lib cult. Too easy
Again, just assuming things without proof. Yes, a lot of the country is overweight due to their own doing. No, not everyone falls under that category but again, nice of you to just assume. God you’re dense. Let me guess, you “do your own research” and are a qualified MD because you can use Google?
That was the longest presidential address to a joint session of Congress in U.S. history (bested the previous long, Clinton’s 2000 SOTU, by about 10-15 minutes).
This wasn’t a SOTU address, it was a campaign rally where they allowed democrats to attend. The real state of the union is that our country is get poorer, less safe, and far less respected.
Sounded like a compilation of his campaign speeches to me. Just more "I'm the greatest ever, Biden and the Dems are the worst ever". For some reason wife wanted to listen this nonsense Golden Age coming he says
So tell me, what disease and what % of people who have it, in which you eat healthy and exercise and you are still obese? You are a fool if you think that's a significant number, but you probably think men can give birth so I get it