Too many to keep track of. That’s one thing Trump excels at, he says so much crap that is blatantly false that you can’t possibly fact check all of it and then he gets away with it.
I suppose that’s what he has to do in order to self-aggrandize himself. Amazing how he took credit for the reduction in border crossings that had already been happening. Still waiting on his plan to lower food prices.
It was awful what happened to her, I don’t think anybody ever denied that, but it’s pretty disgraceful how the right has publicized her death as a gotcha moment for their anti-immigration rhetoric, especially when her family specifically had asked for it not to be used for political points.
Trump’s biggest applause lines have come from his obsession with dead people and transgenders. Republicans are weird.
Democrats know that republicans couldn’t care less about her. To them she’s just a talking point, a prop.
Lol. A libbie calling somebody weird , that's gold. Haha. I'm sure the 350lb women with a mask today on my flight isn't weird, yeah being a fat slob isn't anything to worry about it's Covid that will kill you, smh. Or the blue haired dude wearing a mask in his car alone in 2025, not weird at all. Totally normal
The politicians on the right shouldn't have publicized how the policies from the politicians on the left led to the young ladies death? You really think the left would ignore such an opportunity?
Weird how people on the right are so triggered by other people wearing masks. Lol. You do know people have and had conditions before Covid that made them immunocompromised and required them to wear a mask for their own safety, correct? Just making sure. And even if it was just because she didn’t want to catch Covid, who gives a crap. For being the “freedom” party you all sure do get offended if others don’t act like and adhere strictly by your lifestyle.
Wow. You sound pleasant. Did you yell at her or just decide to grace us with the story of how terrible it is that there is a fat person in the US and she chose to offend you by...wearing a mask?
Subject to the potential for this to go off the rails now as we start talking about Greenland, so far this has been one of the better Trump speeches that I can recall.
No I just laughed at her quietly. Have some discipline and stop eating shit and work out. Not that hard. Not offended one bit, feel sorry for her and others like he and she. They could be totally healthy and choose not to be
I watched roughly the first hour. I thought it was pretty effective. I suspect I'll go to my grave not understanding why dems refuse to take the no brainer approach to being against dudes competing against women/girls.
Well, I am glad that we have you around to let us know that there are fat people in the US and that you don't approve. Keep us up to date with the next one that you see.