I very much hope that rick is surprised. As good as this team is, I don't think they can win 2 at A&M without Keagon unless Red becomes a Taylor real quick.
I think Red has as much potential as KeagAn did last year. Beat them 4 times last year with two freshman. This staff is certainly capable of doing the same.
I agree. Unless, Ava and Oxley pitch really good idk how we take 2 out of 3 on the road from A&M. Ava would have to limit the free passes. We did beat them 4 times last year, but Keagan went 3 complete games against them, so she was a big reason for the wins. I guess we'll just have to see what Walton does. Just tough break for the injury to align with the opponents we start SEC play with.
No gimmes during sec play. If she had to be out a few games, I’d rather it be now than at the end though. From coach’s comments, it did not seem significant, almost sounded precautionary, so we should expect to have her back at 100% soon.
I don't know the specifics. I have no inside info on the exact nature of Keagan's injury. That said, I suspect it is some sort of recurrent upper arm soreness. I saw her with the electric stim device on her upper arm a couple games ago and really didn't think anything of it since she has worn it before with no time missed. In retrospect, I guess that was somewhat significant.
Well, Taylor is in the worst slump of her career to my guess. Not much of a slump. Balls to the wall, diving catches to rob a hit. Still, not the greatest of comparisons vis-a-vis Red at the moment. Sheesh. Reagan went from .160 to the mid .300's and National Player of the week in two weeks time. There is so much talent on this team, I don't spend a minute worrying about who might be due at any moment.
Yes it's not like Brown, Hammock, Liv, and Oxley aren't capable. Brown stepped up for us several times last year herself and will do it again. Our offense just needs to keep up their thing and we will be fine. I am confident in this team even without Keagen. I think we may see Oxley be pretty special this weekend when she goes... who knows how much she can throw but I think the sky's the limit.
lol..you won't "be at" Houston (although you meant "beat") and you won't see it either because you refuse to pay $12 to get ESPN+. I'll never stop nagging on you for that, my friend.
Fixed the typo, but I don't care what you or anyone else says about my refusal to pay for ESPN+. Simply ain't gonna do it! I go to Bible study on Wednesday evenings anyway, so wouldn't be able to see much of the game anyway - same with the Wednesday baseball games. Priorities, my friend, priorities!
All I know is that her mom told me on Saturday that Keegan's rehab is going well and that she is feeling good.
A head's up for not earthshaking information. FSU is at North Florida today and it is on ESPN+. Our postponed game there was shown as "not broadcast" and I wondered if that correct. Our rescheduled game there on March 20 doesn't show anything one way or the other but there is reason to believe it will be on ESPN+ just as today's game.
I was sitting pretty close to Lagway, and he let out a super deep breath and had a HUGE smile on his face when that happened. It was pretty cute.
Alright Ladies, time to get that nine engine freight train, THE SUNSHINE EXPRESS, rolling! From the first engine, Falby, to the last, Holtorf, show everyone precision and power can do.. (I know it’s kinda corny. But I think this line-up will finally get the opportunity to show its capabilities. Go Gators-Beat Houston and aTm.
Did anyone see Rothrock at all during the Houston game? I feel like I never saw her once in the dugout? I thought Hammock did a really great job tonight, her control was solid, she is looking like she can keep us in some games this weekend if need be.
Dominating win over a very good team. Shumaker with 6 RBI!! Falby, Cahalan and Willaims continue to have multi hit games.
I thought Kara showed some really good improvement. I just wish she wouldn’t hit batters as much as she does. She needs to get that out of her system. I believe she threw 75 pitches in four innings, that’s way too many. But on the good side, she’s improving.