MAGA complains about being talked to condescendingly all the time. But then they show they have no basic knowledge of stuff like economics, so I'm not sure how to remedy those two things.
My contention is that this dilemma is compounded because Maga seems to interpret the use of facts as being condescending as well.
And then they all say “keep talking about us like this, that’s what won us the election.” Lol, no, Trump’s lies about how he could fix the economy on day one is what won him the election. Besides, they can call us libtards, groomers and pedophiles, among other things, and apparently that messaging is okay, but anytime we talk down to them from our end it’s bad and costs us elections. The gaslighting by the right is something else.
Hey, the price of fentanyl might decline. So we have that going for us!
Why? WHY?! WHY are we not drilling for more oil in order to combat inflation?! That's what Trump promised, and his learned voters expected would work! Why the hell is it not happening?!
$8.00 a dozen? Damn. No worries. 92 says eggs are a bargain until they hit $100/dozen. Let them eat cake! Shit, cake has eggs in it doesn’t it? Well… let them eat vegan cake with egg substitutes I guess.
I know Trump hasn't delivered on his day 1 reduction of grocery prices but I don't really understand the fixation on egg prices. We all know its not Biden nor Trumps fault. This is like what conservatives do when Biden was in office bringing over Facebook talking points when there is plenty of legit issues to complain about with regads to Trump. I think it would be good if the energy is focused on real issues, you know?
Nah, some here will keep pointing out the egg prices even though they know it’s all due to the culling of 100million chickens due to Avian flu. Sad thing is they know better but aren’t any better than the other side who railed on Biden for things he had little or no control over.
Biden didn’t say he’d wave a magic wand and lower egg prices with a lie. Trump did. About everything, not just eggs. Try using more brain power.
You need a break all right. A break from posting ridiculous stuff around here because ever since kamala lost you've gone bonkers. "If you can't beat 'em join 'em". Comes to mind.
I said it before, and I will say it again. Until the Congress acts to pass the Trump economic policies we're STILL LIVING ON THE DISASTROUS BIDEN "BIDENOMICS" PLAN.