At this point the ridiculousness is almost too plentiful to keep up with. Boston Globe and many other services are reporting Secretary of Homeland Security made childish insults to our Canadian neighbors, friends, and allies. Basically hopped back forth on the border calling Canada the 51st state. When right wingers easily HATE Americans its an easy step to HATE Canadians. 'She did it at least three times': Kristi Noem slammed over 'childish' insult to Canada
What is so bizarre is that nobody, NOBODY, had anything negative to say about Canada 60 days ago. Nobody was calling for economy-draining tariffs, nobody was crying or the “51st State.” Nobody. And now, Trump said it, and all of a sudden MAGA is in a salivated, frothed fury over something none of them can truly articulate.
I wouldn’t have a problem with my state becoming the 11th Canadian province. Would be far more sane than whatever this shitshow is.
The funniest part about this is prior to this nonsense, their conservatives were going to clean up in their elections, now their polling is in the tank. Part of me thinks our chuds just want some kind of manufactured beef.
Stupid and immature. And seriously, back away from the cosmetic surgery, Gun Show Barbie, or you'll be mistaken for a Musk android.
MAGA hates Canada more than Russia, all because Trump told them to. They will make a documentary on MAGA brain rot one day.
You never heard righties complain about the Gulf of Mexico, Canada etc and speak so lovingly of Russia until their daddy told them to.
This crossed my mind today. Then I wondered if Trump made up a country out of the blue, railed on it for a couple days, would be social media be full of memes about said country? "Democrats upset that they can no longer launder money through Toohotistan... That tells you EVERYTHING!" I would put it at less than 5 days before I heard about Toohotistan laundering money for Democrats, either in real life or being commented on by someone I know.
Forget all this. The real question is this: Who's the bigger loser? Noam, for behaving like this? Or the sub-human morons who think it's cool?
Funny part will be watching her (and Lara Trump) chase that dragon for the rest of their lives. LOL!!! They'll literally look like wooden Indians when they're 60. . . and get even more grotesque surgery.
Borrowing a line from an old commercial from a stock brokerage firm, when the Dear Leader speaks MAGA listens. Trump's followers obey him like the followers of Jim Jones did when he told them to drink the Kool-aid.
Canadians ready to go to war. But with what ? Alberta’s West Edmonton Mall has a larger submarine fleet than does the Royal Canadian Navy.
Trump, with his new tariffs, and the retaliatory tariffs from there, will potentially destabilize the ENTIRE WESTERN HEMISPHERE, all while opening the doors WIDE OPEN for our staunchest competitor, China, to come to our shores and supply the region with goods and influence. And to what end?!?!