Georgia (backed by the US) attacked Russian enclaves and Medvedev sent in Russian forces to protect Russian-speakers. Stephen F. Cohen explains a couple of minutes or so into this video
Yanukovych was democratically elected. He was replaced by a US puppet. Was he corrupt? What do you expect, all Ukrainian politicians are corrupt. To pretend that the coup wasn't engineered by the US is a joke. Victoria Nuland was in Maidan Square passing out cookies. The ultimate goal was to use Ukraine as a tool to split Russia apart and keep the US as the world's sole hegemon. Next on the list was China
Wait ….. what??? Democrats will kneel to honor the death of of a drug-using criminal like George Floyd but …. won’t stand to recognize a 13 year old cancer survivor who wants to be a law enforcement officer???!!! I’ve always thought the liberal mind was a bit off-kilter ….. perhaps deranged ….. but never thought it could be so hateful. Those are some incorrigibly sad, sick people.
MEH, I have no major issues with Bush sr, but I'm not so sure about being better off with him getting a second term, but I'm 100 % sure we would have been better off if Al Gore had taken the oval office instead of W.
oh good more drivel from a Kremlin backed bozo Previous example of this guy's impressive insight In 2014, Cohen disputed evidence that Russia shot down Malaysia Airlines Flight 17, an event that killed all 298 passengers and crew. He said the Ukrainian government had possession of Russian Buk surface-to-air missiles, and suggested the country "was playing with its new toys and made a big mistake."[17][28] Extensive analysis proved that the Buk missile launcher used to shoot down MH17 belonged to the Russian Army's 53rd Anti-Aircraft Missile Brigade and was in the hands of a pro-Russia separatist militia at the time of the shootdown
Sr gets 2nd term, very doubtful you get Jr in 2000. And maybe no 9-11 either. I guarantee you Russia/Balkans is handled better too.
Don't buy all that but we will never know. Ive always thought W's presidency was the height of incompetency but I was wrong. Here we are.
So you agree that Russia didn't shoot down Malaysian airlines flight 17. Not sure what your point is. Caller to CNN told Krystal Ball flight MH17 was downed by a blast of wind from Howard Stern's a$$
Okay … the tofu-eating wokerati wing nuts have simply gone over the top (or below the bottom) with the violence at Tesla dealerships and torching recharging stations. Just when you think the liberal cretins can’t get any worse, they are successful at achieving a new level of pathetic.