I'm old enough that I got the measles before the vaccine was available. I remember getting both the mumps and the measles when I was in grade school.
I got chickenpox but neither measles nor mumps and I remember being disappointed about it. I couldn’t even engineer a tonsillectomy, although I did have the boutique surgery of the day - got my adenoids out. I didn’t get why it was happening but the anesthesiologist put my Mighty Mouse doll to sleep first.
What do you mean when you say you "got chickenpox"? What is it, and how did you think you got it? I think you might say that it's a toxin or a natural healing/cleansing process, but I am asking more specifically. Have the people/sites you find credible posited a detailed theory or explanation that can be tested or falsified?
My camp only contends that there is no scientific evidence for viruses. We *speculate* about alternative explanations for simultaneous symptoms. Does that clarify ?
I know you do not believe germs or viruses are real but you mentioned getting "chickenpox." My question is whether there is a specific, alternate theory or explanation for chickenpox which you find credible. It is possible that you simply reject mainstream assertions about viral chickenpox yet are not affirmatively embracing any alternate theory or explanation.
I don’t believe in any alternative explanation, for simultaneous symptoms, in the same way that I don’t believe in viruses - tentative on the former, confident on the latter. That said, if trees can communicate with each other, why not children’s bodies ? I find this fascinating … Things Trees Tell Us & How Trees Communicate with Each Other. Aside: I don’t believe I “got” chickenpox in the same way that I recently got hives. I am satisfied that I did that to myself via prolonged hot showers.
So you can get rash and fever without the vaccine or you can get rash and fever from the vaccine ? What are you going to do ? Immunization Reactions
And now RFK, Jr claims that antibiotics will prevent/cure measles. Can’t believe that such an ignorant person is running HHS.