I was just looking for an excuse to ping you. With all respect, your post I responded to is moot right about now.
Sad you taking jabs at our military men and women in uniform simply because they don’t share your love for Z.
I can’t speak to the guys in your brother’s squadron. Personally, I’m depressed by the latest turn of events. There’s just not much I can do but hope that Ukraine does not buckle, Europe steps up, Russia continues to fail, and we end up reversing course out of a combination of shame and realization that the problem in this conflict is Russia, not Ukraine.
I’m not taking jabs at them. I heard directly from another military member their reasoning; embarrassing Ukraine and they think the supply of equipment and money is fueling our inflation. *sigh* The only thing sad are the amount of contortions you’ll make to justify Krasnov’s actions. PS - None of these guys are going in harms way.
After Friday my brother has been considering getting out of the military. He’s been in for 15 years but he’s wondering what the point is now if we’re not going to take a stand against Russia and all it represents.
I’ll say the same thing I have said every time you casually predicted an impending decisive Russian victory in the field over the last two years: I’ll worry about it when Russia actually does it. Again, they cannot even impose air superiority on a second-rate power after three years. I don’t know why you think U.S. aid is the only thing preventing Russia from learning how to do combined arms and coordinate large-unit maneuver. Our aid has been helpful to be sure, but it doesn’t explain all of Russia’s incompetence to date. In fact, had Russia been even moderately competent since the beginning, no amount of foreign aid or Ukrainian valor would have made enough of a difference, and it would have been over by May 2022. So the bottom line is, you still need Ukraine to quit. There is nothing inevitable about Russia winning this in the field.
I understand why he would feel that way. Unlike Afghanistan, though, this is not over yet. Let’s see what happens.
Word on the street is that Zelenskyy and Ukraine no longer own the mineral rights they are “offering” to the United States. Trump realizes this, which is the real reason the deal has hit a snafu. Zelenskyy will not be in power much longer. My confidence reading on this prediction is pretty high.
Are they not winning already? Last I checked, they occupy a significant chunk of Ukraine and haven't been moved back at all. (said occupied areas are coincidentally where a majority of Ukraine's rare earth minerals are, which points to some intentionality as to where they're positioned, which is what I've been saying all along) Go on...