Ever had the measles? I had 104 fever and went to the ER where they diagnosed it, quarantined me, and conducted follow-up investigation for tracking.
Having seen the graph for England and Wales and then Massachusetts, he only requires a corresponding graph of the US to be given pause. Corresponding graph of US supplied and he’s given pause. Ha-Ha, he was just kidding all along.
You posted it yourself in post 146 and he pointed out in 147 that the vaccine became available in 1963, perfectly corresponding with the graph you posted. That didn't fit your narrative though so you pivoted to England and Massachusetts.
Ask him if he’s angry and dissatisfied like you are. He seemed satisfied with Massachusetts synching with England and Wales in showing massive reductions in deaths prior to vaccines. Key here: there is nothing to vaccinate for.
Not angry or dissatisfied. Quite happy that I'm protected from measles thanks to a vaccine that has proven effective over 60 years. Mainly I'm just confused by people like you who ignore the obvious right on front of your face. I'm guessing it's some psychological thing to want to prove your smarter than everyone else by arguing a contrarian position, but frankly it's just sad.
Yeah, that’s all it is, nothing to do with any research I’ve done in response to the societal apeshit of 2020 … The Virology Controls Studies Project | Jamie Andrews | Substack
Okay, but aren’t there like a dozen Trump threads on the first page alone to keep you busy ? You do know that Trump is the father of the Covid vaccine and has purchased $200 billion more of them, don’t you ? Given your Oppositional Trump Defiance why aren’t you an anti-vaxxer ?
Again, I only know for certain that measles deaths were down something like 99% PRIOR to the widespread distribution of vaccines. What does that tell you ? As far as the factors in the reduction of deaths, better sanitation, water, food availability and better nutrition have been tendered.
Ooooooo! Nice troll but Trump had nothing to do with the vaccine which was started in 2010, but he had everything to do with disbanding the Global Health Security and Biodefense unit that was created by the Obama administration and responsible for pandemic preparedness. History of COVID-19: Outbreaks and vaccine timeline https://apnews.com/article/donald-t...ublic-health-ce014d94b64e98b7203b873e56f80e9a
operation warp speed was a good and successful program, but it is worth noting that the Pfizer Bioentic vaccine, the first one available, development started before the program, was developed outside of the program and did not use govt funds at all, other then the government buying the vaccine after the fact.
I remember when the Democrats were calling Trump a xenophobe for his travel restrictions on China. And I also remember their anxiety that the vaccine was being rushed. But aside from Trump’s critic’s hypocrisy, the entire shameful episode was a sham. There never was a virus that we should have been better prepared … Has the “Virus” Been Isolated? No.