Just saw neighbor's kids taking in their groceries. The oldest had 3 containers with 2 dozen eggs each. Told her thats a lot of eggs and she just laughed. I guess expensive eggs are still better than no eggs.
What do you base this opinion on, and what do you propose as the alternative? Also, I assume you have some knowledge in this particular area given your opinions so I am eager to learn from your experience.
“invest money into vaccines and other therapeutics for poultry flocks” Vaccines are good enough for chickens but not for people.
So much to “un-hatch” here. — 1.5b was paid to farmers to slaughter hens — $500m for bio-security — $400m in additional aid to farmers — $100m for research — import a poultry [sic] 70-100m eggs to add to the 7.5b table eggs — DOGE impact on USDA is still in flux. Here’s the kicker… prices aren’t coming down anytime soon — new estimates 41.1% increase from predicted 20%. Not an orange man bad post. But Trump need to get back to his promise to bring down prices. https://apnews.com/article/record-egg-prices-usda-bird-flu-virus-92e9f5fbc4e0a792be484a4aee5b9c16
New oil drilling takes a little bit of time. That was literally Dumb Donald's plan. That's what people voted for as our remedy for inflation. We don't deserve any relief from inflation. To be fair, we just deserve a criminal rapist grifting, such as through meme coins, and selling out to Putin as much as possible. It's not like it wasn't totally obvious what a Trump vote was for. Mission being accomplished.
Energy cost decreases will absolutely reduce input costs on domestic produced goods and transportation costs. However, non-existent substituted products for tariff impacted imports and domestic labor problems will be a negative impact. Headlines are all a distraction and flooding the zone. Trump has to focus on his domestic agenda promises of being down inflation costs and “transitory prices”. This is why he won. He better get cracking.
Transportation cost on eggs are less than 10%... Fuel barely registers around 3-5% or about 25 cents a dozen. Trump has no plan on prices and never did. He was elected by fools... however, if his plan was to crash the economy, put people out of work, and watch gas prices drop from everyone being too broke to travel, he is well on his way.
where do you see energy cost decrease? look at new licenses approved for LNG export. export more and price does what? oil production is not going to increase unless price goes up. KSA is ramping up to punish Russia, Iran, and Kstan for over pumping but that will be temporary but could suppress oil prices, shutting down licenses from Venezuela will offset that increased KSA production domestic production isn't going to ramp up at $80 oil let alone $70 oil unless there are major tax breaks to increase the profit at those prices. will congress give oil and gas more major tax breaks? refinery capacity isn't increasing spring driving season and summer blend fuels are coming Trump cancels oil deal in major blow to Venezuela Trump approves LNG exports, creates energy council to boost US oil, gas | Reuters
don't forget put his handlers in control of the gubmint systems this is the scary part..silicon valley techbros taking over th emsot sensitive parts of our national datbases and security systems as "private contractors". fire all the help, hire all the bros DOGE Deletes Agency Behind Login.gov, IRS Direct File, Other Tech Projects The abrupt move to axe the agency left many 18F employees in the lurch. 18F staff alleged in an official statement that they had been locked out of their computers and emails, leaving them "no chance to assist in an orderly transition of our work." The former staff claim they can’t even find out where to return their equipment, due to their lack of email access. Meanwhile, many senior executives at the former US Digital Service allege that the rapid transition to DOGE is bringing new risks to federal IT systems. Vivian Graubard, a founding member of the US Digital Service, alleged in a LinkedIn post that DOGE engineers were "walking in and getting access to highly sensitive systems without proper clearances or vetting." Other commenters said that the swift, sudden cuts could open the door to private sector contractors swooping into the federal government. Don Moynihan, a professor at the Ford School of Public Policy at the University of Michigan, claims that DOGE "appears to be a temporary wrecking crew paving the way for aligned Silicon Valley vendors to fill the gap" and that removing "18F will make that easier."
Nothing the Congress has passed has changed our economy. They are still living the Biden dream/economy.
That’s why this all falls on Trump’s shoulders. Congress has nothing to do with Donny’s crippling Tariffs and running off Ag workers, the layoffs, the disruption of the economy. $10 for a Dozen eggs now at Winn Dixie….
These Tarries are ALL ABOUT FAIR TRADE. Do you think these nations should be allowed to rip us off? GTHOOHWTN.
lol, you think we’re being ripped off on prices so the solution is to increase the prices an additional 25% instead of standing up a competitive market within our country? Oh, right, those domestic goods would cost even more than the imported prices that we’re being “ripped off.” Docspor I’m sure can provide remedial economics tutoring.
We were already the largest economy in the world with the best growth rate of peer nations... so a great idea is to screw that all up. We risk losing trillions of economic activity over tiny little changes in trade deals that help no one. Remember how amazing your life changed when Trump replaced NAFTA with a NAFTA clone? Didnt think so.
None of that matters. They were told we're getting screwed over and "trade deficit" has to be bad, right?