I got some Oxycontin with my first and only root canal. Too scared to take any of them and flushed them all. I did tobacco cold turkey and I never want to do anything like that again.
Yep - I don't remember Slay announcing a game, so I'm assuming it's early in that stage of his career. I bet he learns to tone it down just a bit and pick his spots to Slay out. I enjoyed his vociferousness, though.
He was jolly and complementary of both teams. Knows his basketball. I like a guy who is enjoying the game and understands it. I can see how people would think he is over-the -top, but i enjoyed most of it.
Funny Stuff - Totally wasted in 1987 and we get pulled over. I am in back right and my buddy gives me Copenhagen to cover the beer breath. I opened the door and puked out everything from the past month. That was some terrible stuff. The officer asked our DD if he was OK and he was so Officer said get the hell out of here and dont let me see you again. My one experience with tobacco other than drying it in Canada.
NO, he was awful. He kept slipping into his Slay Ride stict, which is fine for the studio, but not court-side. I couldn't understand a word of it. that's fine for the studio, but court-side should not be biased. If he was gushing over and A&M player like that, you would be bashing him, and rightfully so.
I hated the guy when he played at Tennessee because he seemed to always kill UF. He looked so thuggish while he was on the court. But I love the guy in studio as a basketball analyst. Very personable and funny. I did a 180 on him. I haven't been able to catch him doing a game yet.
Joe Tess is over the top. I thought Slay was funny and just the right amount of goofiness and enjoying the game.