Everyone is entitled to their opinion. I have no idea if this even happened, but if true, it could be construed as an indicator of European sentiment shift against the US that is the story. This type of refueling was likely routine and would never have been refused in the past, particularly with a company from a founding NATO country. Then again, its early so the story could be completely bogus or there is more to the story. It is hard to tell nowadays with both ends of the spectrum spreading misinformation.
Thank you for throwing cold water on the Libbie Circle Jerk. They will dry themselves off and continue stroking, but thank you nonetheless.
You're right bra! The point is that we should bomb the hell out of Norway, with the very sub they refused to help, which exists primarily for their (and Euro's) benefit, on our nickel.
X + [(AM talk radio + Fox + right wing social media influencers)] = [counter balance to] => MSM + [FB + Hollyood cult + celeb cult + academia + indoctrinated left wing nut influences + deep state intel apparatus + academia...]
Norway has made a fortune by selling oil and gas to Europe that is no longer supplied by Russia. The decision not to refuel was made by a private Norwegian marine fuel supplier in response to Trump and Vance trying to get Zelensky to make a peace deal. Peace would cost Norwegian energy supplier tens of billions of dollars a year if Europe lifted sanctions on Russian energy. The Norwegian Minister of Defense stepped in and the supply of marine fuel has been restored
The big indicator of European sentiment shift will be when our intelligence sharing becomes limited or stops. Again, we have toddlers running the country now and apparently they prefer the lies our enemies tell us to inflate our golden egos, not the intelligence our friends provide for security.
It would force Norway and all these other European nations to reevaluate their own defense spending. They can stand on their own as far as defense goes. NATO has been unnecessary since 1991. We have other national threats to focus on... And... this story is FAKE NEWS. I have to refill my "ignore prison." Glad to do it too.
This whole story seems contrived. Or not... It now looks like that person acted on his own accord in an unofficial capacity. He evidentially not officially aligned with the Norwegian officials, according to the News last night.
Only a fool would believe that NATO "has been unnecessary since 1991". Apparently you forgot 9/11 when Article 5 was invoked by the US so our NATO allies could assist us in Afghanistan. The only time it has even been invoked - by *US*, and not for European security.
No, it isn't. Try Google and do your own research! Norwegian fuel supplier refuses U.S. warships over Ukraine
Yeah, we probably owe them since we couldn't handle Afghanistan by ourselves after 9/11 and invoked Article 5 of NATO to essentially dial 911. How soon we forget that our allies fought and died alongside us at OUR request! Also, you obviously don't understand that our naval presence in the Norwegian Sea isn't about protecting Europe. It IS making sure we know exactly where Russian ballistic missile (SSBN), cruise missile (SSGN), and attack (SSN) submarines are at any given moment for OUR protection and the protection of our forward deployed forces.
It was a nuclear sub, they don't need to refuel. I see gatorben made the point much better than I can.
I think people are missing the point of this story. It’s a symbol. In 1906 horses ran away before the huge San Francisco earthquake. At the time had anyone said something bad was happening, the common sense crowd might have just said, hey that’s just a horse running around, don’t be an idiot. Then the earth quake hit. Dogs and elephants ran away before the 2004 tsunami etc. Or it could be a nothing burger. But I think totally ignoring this political statement is potentially unwise.
If it was done with the support of the government of Norway it might be concerning, but according to some of the posts above that is not the case.