Why should the US provide 40% of all humanitarian aid? There is over 195 countries in the world, yet we provide 40% of all humanitarian aid. Glad liberals love to spend other peoples money, yet they would rather send money overseas than take care of our homeless in this country. Now you wonder why foreign countries don’t like Trump. It’s because he is not a dumbass like the rest of our presidents. Guterres calls on US to exempt development and humanitarian funds from aid ‘pause’
The United States is also 26% of global gdp. So 40% is above our “share” but not crazily so. Maybe there are wealthy countries that are laggards in their relative share of humanitarian in aid? It would be interested in seeing a list which sorts share of global GDP vs global share of humanitarian aid. But on its own this stat doesn’t mean anything. Let’s put it this way, you probably want to live in the countries which top such lists of humanitarian giving. If your country is near the bottom or is even receiving aid, it’s probably a shithole country or autocracy.
Last time I checked, the USAID budget was $0, or recently made effectively close to that. So either you continue to not understand basic verb tenses, or you're trying to be deceptive. That said, I totally don't recall the multi-billion dollar Republican program to solve the US homelessness situation. Can you provide us with the links on that? Or are you just attempting to deceive by establishing a false dichotomy?
Soft Power comes with a huge ROI that most countries find, oh, not exactly benevolent. We didn’t call it Belts and Roads, but it’s the same thing. It is why China is enthusiastically rushing to fill this void.
Happy? No. I wish the rest of the world did more to help solve issues of hunger and disease. And with our vast wealth, we should have done more. It used to be something people were proud of for our country leading in humanitarian efforts. Now, the US, the richest country in the world, is going in a shameful direction and will do nothing. But don’t worry maga, aid stopped immediately. Millions of dollars worth of food is rotting. Many people, including children, will get diseases or go hungry and die because of the stoppage of aid. Thanks to Trump.
I don’t know what the magic percentage should be relative to other nations, but there are multiple ways to think about it. I’ve read that U.S. public foreign aid as a percentage our GDP was actually higher over past periods, although there has been some fluctuation. Bush 43 was a big supporter of funding to fight HIV/AIDS, and many Republicans seemed supportive. I think Covid played a role more recently. Are you happy with the amount we gave under Bush 43 and during Trump’s first term, and do you think it’s helpful to couch this as a problem with libs?
Actually the number is irrelevant because it’s the right, and Christian thing to do. I understand the point we need to reduce the deficit and a simple way to save 4.8 trillion dollars is to NOT extend the Trump tax breaks for the rich.
This post received a 'funny' rating. I'm wondering why. Is the concept of giving more funny? Is it funny that food and medicine are literally rotting while people literally die because of this? That is what's funny? Is the concept 'funny' of giving to countries such as, say, Ethiopia, Haiti, etc., as opposed to humanitarian spending in the US? Because those countries have so much and we so little? Never mind that any and all such domestic spending is opposed by those who also ..... oppose helping globally. Interestingly, I'm willing to bet that those opposed to this all global aid consider themselves charitable people. Perhaps they give through church or other organizations? MAGA needs to look in the mirror. What a shameful disgrace they've become. And made our nation. It's all just hate, greed and criminality wrapped up in whatever specious cloak currently fits best. False patriotism. Fiscal conservatism. (lol) Lies about fraud? And it's really just to serve the criminality of a criminal. You're a disgrace, MAGA. Look in the mirror.
In answer to the question in the title of this thread, while I think other affluent countries should be paying more the fact that we are paying 40% of all humanitarian aid is an indication that the US is an affluent as well as a compassionate country.
ok Mr naive. Please tell me when dollar for dollar usaid money goes towards mental health and helping us homeless. Especially as the pubs are actively talking about cutting basic social services.
It hasn't even been rightly brought up yet that the premise and title of this post is probably a lie. (Obviously, as is almost everything MAGA-related.) It's not clear from the article whether this figure references UN administered aid. There are obviously many sources of info for total aid amounts. I've seen some that clearly contradict this 40% figure. The US Government ...... reportedly provided more than 40 per cent of all humanitarian aid accounted for by the UN during 2024.
Exactly. Even if every dollar of foreign aid was redirected to domestic issues, I doubt mental health and homeless solutions would be at the top (or even on) the windfall to-do list. Definitely not under a MAGA administration. Trump would probably add it to the already bloated military budget, or more subsidies for his little buddy.
If you think we are being invaded now, just wait until we aren't providing any humanitarian assistance! We are the richest country in the world, it is the system we choose to live in that determines if we have winners or losers, not whether we give humanitarian assistance to other countries. The people outside of our country we send assistance to, is for selfish reasons, under the guise of benevolence, for diplomatic purposes. And let's be real, Musk isn't going to be using that money he "allegedly" saved on our homeless, this is for permanent tax cuts for rich people - and higher taxes for everyone else including you, so please cut the shit.
To be clear, this is 40% of all UN humanitarian funds. I don’t know what the totals are globally. Also, it should be noted that the US is not required to provide 40% of the UN’s humanitarian missions budget, we voluntarily exceed the contribution threshold. Not a “liberal,” but since centrists fall into that category for you I’ll answer. Am I happy? I don’t know that I’m happy about it but I’m not surprised considering we have the largest GDP.
Yes I anticipate many (me) are very concerned about people suffering because Trump stopped foreign aid. That’s before considering the benefits of “ the ability to co-opt rather than coerce”, or soft power it brings for the US. So the priority should be addressing those in bad shape in the US and also eliminate deficit spending? We’ll soon see maga’s top concerns when they pass their budget. Let’s revisit in about 4 months impacts and estimates. “I promise you it is going to be a lot harder to recruit someone to anti-Americanism and anti-American terrorism if the United States of America is the reason one is even alive today.” Marco Rubio Senate Speech. “Foreign aid is a very cost-effective way, not only to export our values and our example, but to advance our security and our economic interests” Marco Rubio
You are not correct. We only spend 1% of our budget on foreign aid. In 2023, the United States spent approximately $71.9 billion on foreign aid, accounting for about 1.2% of the total federal budget of over $6.1 trillion. We pay 22% of the UN budget and only a piece of that is humanitarian aid. The total spend on the UN is about $3.5B. What the data says about U.S. foreign aid