How many times has Condo been beaten up with no foul called. He must still feel like he’s playing Aussie Rules
I can't think of any former Gator basketball players that have taken as many shots to the head as Codon. He should be wearing a helmet at this point.
He's definitely taken some dirty shots, but I don't think this was one of them. Pretty incidental from what I remember
He’s wearing it now because his mom was crying. That is a poignant statement! It’s neat she felt so bad for her son and also that he stated it so simply. Refreshing when there are so many people hyper-analyzing/criticizing every word uttered.
I actually take this back because I am watching Auburn at UK right now and Lamont Butler just got a F1 for much less contact to Baker-Mazara's face lol
Yes. Treated a few avulsed and luxated cases over the years as well. Softball and baseball mainly. Got a hockey one as well.
I sit just off the Gator second half baseline and remember seeing Joakim Noah's tooth on the floor. I don't think a foul was called on that one either.
The teeth are throwing off his FT shooting, listen to my explanation: Get the ball from the ref, takes a deep breath, bends over and dribbles the ball, then his tongue goes in a circle to make sure he still has some teeth, then, then he straightens up and fires the ball frustrated that he hasn’t got his retaliation yet. Yes the shot was a little too hard. He will slow it down come tournament time.
Based on the number of blows they allow to Condon's head he may need to start wearing a headguard too.
Condo and Martin have been getting absolutely mugged lately, but they keep on going hard. Martin had to go to the locker room twice last night to get checked out, once for his shoulder, once for his head (to be fair, neither of those injuries were of the mugging type, they were just unfortunate basketball plays).